However, sometimes it can be very irritating when these notifications keep popping up while you are doing some important work. And if this happens on regular basis, it leaves you feeling distracted, helpless and flustered.

To disable these notifications, follow the steps provided below for well-known web browsers, so that these popups will not annoy you.

Disable Show Notifications on Google Chrome

To disable Show Notification prompt in Google Chrome, click on Option button at top right corner and go to “Settings”.


Click on Advanced option. Now in Privacy and Security section, click on ‘Content Settings’.

Click on Notifications category and slide the blue button towards left side which will change the notification status to ‘Blocked’.

Mozilla Firefox:

Mozilla Firefox is a widely used browser and allows websites to show notifications. However, to disable notifications you will have to explore the hidden settings as it is not available easily in the browser settings.

To disable the websites notifications just type about:config in the address bar and press Enter.

You will receive a warning message regarding the warranty void. Click on “I accept the risk” to proceed.

Now in the search field type ‘Notifications’ and double click on the webnotifications. enabled option. This will change its value from True to False, which confirms that web notifications are disabled.


Safari Mac

Safari is the most commonly web browser used in Mac operating systems. It also allows users to stop the prompts which asks users to send notifications or not.

To stop the prompt just click on Safari and then choose ‘Preferences’. Now go to Notifications tab and uncheck the option ‘Allow websites to ask for permission to send push notifications’. This will block all websites from showing such prompts.

So, these are some popular web browsers in which you can block the Show Notification prompt easily. However, it will still allow the websites to show the prompt which you have already kept in allow list.