Silk or polyester underwear traps moisture and bacteria against the body, increasing your risk of getting an infection. Cotton is a more breathable fabric, allowing air to circulate and preventing bacterial growth. Wearing thongs and other tight underwear can also cause a problem. Save these for special occasions and don’t wear them for more than a few hours. Avoid wearing tights and hosiery that aren’t made with breathable fabric. Choose loose clothing that feels breathable.

After you have sex, drink water to flush out your system. If your urine is darker than a very pale yellow, it’s a sign of dehydration. You need to increase your water intake.

To flush the area often, drink plenty of water. Try to urinate once every hour or hour and a half. If your urine is yellow, you should be drinking more water. Aim for eight glasses of water a day to keep your urinary tract flushed.

If you sit at a desk for work, make a point of taking walking breaks in the fresh air outside. Long airplane rides might make it necessary to sit in one position for hours. When the seatbelt light turns off, get up and walk down the aisle a few times.

Ask your partner to wash before sex, too. Many UTIs are contracted when a person is touched with a partner’s hands or other body parts that have not been washed with soap and water. Urinating before and after sex is essential for preventing UTIs because it helps flush the bacteria that may be present near the urethra. Avoid having sex with someone while he or she has a UTI. Men are especially at risk of getting an infection from a partner who already has one. UTIs occur more frequently with a new sex partner. They should subside once you and your partner have been having intercourse for awhile.

Powders, especially scented powders, should also be avoided since they can irritate the urethra. Use gentle, natural cleansers if you do decide to clean the internal part of your vagina.

Try drinking low-sugar cranberry juice, since it has a higher cranberry concentration. Unfortunately, cranberry juice has not been shown to treat infections once they begin; it’s strictly a preventative measure. However, it can help your body flush out bacteria in your system.

Goldenseal extract is taken to prevent all types of infections and is also said to be helpful in preventing UTIs. Juniper oil increases urine volume, which aids in flushing bacteria away from the urethra.

Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you if they are consumed in large quantities. If you feel a UTI coming on, they can cause it to turn into a full infection. Acidic foods and drinks like orange juice, and tomatoes can irritate your bladder. Avoid them altogether if you’re particularly prone to getting urinary tract infections. Lemon Juice alkalizes the body and is a useful means of bringing your pH balance back into balance. Lemons are the only citrus fruits that assist in alkalization.

If you’re a woman, your daily fiber recommendations are 21-25 grams per day. For men, daily fiber recommendations are 30-38 grams per day. [14] X Trustworthy Source EatRight. org Organization associated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics providing advice about food, health, and fitness Go to source