Approach your plate like you’re cutting food for a toddler. Cut it in small, very manageable bites.

Similarly, pick scrambled eggs instead of sausage or chewy beefsteak, and rice or mashed potatoes over a crunchy snack like raw carrot sticks. In some cases, cooking your food longer can help, such as cooking carrot sticks until they are soft. Soup, oatmeal, smoothies, scrambled eggs, and other soft foods don’t require you to do much chewing. Eating these foods for a few days can rest your jaw until it heals.

If you need a breath freshener, opt for a mint instead, and let it dissolve in your mouth.

Similarly, avoid chewing on pen caps or straws.

These guards typically cost $200-$500 USD to make. Check to see if your dental insurance will cover part of the cost. Harder materials, like acrylic, cost more than softer materials. You’ll need harder materials if you grind your teeth heavily.

These guards tend to cost $55-$250 USD.

These guards tend to run $15-$25 USD. They are bulkier than the more customizable options, so they may be less comfortable.

These guards can even make breathing difficult. They run about $10-$15 USD. [12] X Research source

If you do this, you may find that you are not clenching your teeth as much when you sleep.

For instance, if you’re stressing over a family situation, sit your family down to discuss it. Try to come up with a solution together.

Being mindful helps with stress because it pulls you out of your head into your body. It forces you to feel instead of think. [18] X Expert Source Pradeep Adatrow, DDS, MSBoard Certified Dentist & Oral Surgeon Expert Interview. 30 September 2020.

Make sure you’re making time at least 2 to 3 days per week to do the things you love, even if it’s just for a short period.

Engage in relaxation activities at least 2-3 times a week. In fact, many people find a daily meditation practice does wonders for their stress levels. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, try a deep breathing technique. Close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose, counting to 4 in your head. Hold for 4 counts, and then breathe out for 4 counts. Keep using this technique until you feel yourself relax.

If you’re feeling stressed, try having lunch with your spouse or enjoying a night on the town with your friends. It can also help to share what you’re feeling stressed about. Your loved ones may be able to offer a solution you hadn’t thought of. At the very least, you’ll feel like you have support in the situation.

If you have trouble getting to bed on time, set an alarm for an hour before bedtime. When the alarm goes off, shut off your electronic devices, and start getting ready for bed. That way, you wind down before your head hits the pillow. Make sure to block out distractions like light and sound, so you’ll sleep better.

Always talk to your doctor before starting a medication. Typically, you can take a single 200-milligram ibuprofen tablet every 4-6 hours or a 220-milligram naproxen sodium pill every 8-10 hours. Or, take 1-2 pills of 325-milligram aspirin every 4 hours or 3 pills every 6 hours. For acetaminophen, you can take 2 pills of 325 milligrams each every 4-6 hours, 2 pills of 500 milligrams each every 6 hours, or 2 pills of 650 milligrams each every 8 hours. Don’t exceed 4,000 milligrams in 24 hours. [25] X Research source If over-the-counter pain relievers aren’t enough, ask your doctor for something stronger.

Never put ice directly on your face.

Use this technique whenever you have pain.

When you’re sitting at the computer for long periods, get up and stretch from time to time, moving your neck and jaw around gently to stretch the muscles.