When you feel a suicidal thought creeping up, just tell yourself that you know you can get through it and that you’ll have better days.

If you feel that you are in danger of harming yourself and have no one to turn to, call the Emergency Services, your doctor, or check yourself into the ER as soon as you can. You should not be alone during this difficult time, period. You can also call a helpline if you’re in trouble and want someone to talk to. You can call or text 988 at any time in the US or you can call Samaritans at 116 123 or PAPYRUS at 0800 068 41 41 (if you are a teen or a young adult) if you’re in the UK. Go online to find the contact information for the suicide helpline in your country. If you’d rather text someone, send a message to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 to chat with a crisis counselor. If you’re in Canada, the number is 686868, or text 85258 in the UK.

Of course, one of the reasons people have suicidal thoughts is because they may feel like no one at all cares about them. Sure, maybe you don’t feel like you have any real friendships and you don’t have a strong family bond, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no one who cares for you, even if it’s a neighbor, a classmate, or a co-worker. If you’re thinking negatively, it’s natural to think that absolutely no one cares, but this is rarely the case.

If you don’t feel like you have anything left for you, think about the connections and things that have kept you pushing forward so far.

Of course, if you’re seriously considering suicide, it’s important to get help immediately. But if you just find yourself starting to think that life is meaningless, then you can try to turn those thoughts off by turning to something else.

Exercising also gives you endorphins that can put you in a more positive frame of mind.

Unfortunately, it may not be possible to avoid all of your triggers. But you can make a plan for coping with them if you have to face them.

That said, you should avoid making any major decisions while you’re having suicidal thoughts. While those thoughts are happening, it’s best to call for help, give it some time, and wait until you’re feeling more stable. Then you can think rationally about which next steps you want to take.

Writing down this plan can help you know what to do when you’re feeling unsure or upset in the moment. Make copies and share your safety plan with your loved ones so they can help care for you if you’re having a time of crisis.

Continue caring for yourself even when the thoughts go away. Always make your mental health a priority, even if you haven’t had suicidal thoughts for months. Taking the time to exercise, get enough rest, and being kind to yourself can make a big impact on your mental state.