Eating too much sugar, not maintaining a healthy weight, stress, and lack of sleep can affect your immune system hampering its ability to fight off infection. Eat healthy foods with plenty of nutrients and vitamins such as fruits and vegetables. If you know that you lack certain vitamins, such as vitamin D, which is largely garnered from exposure to UV light, take the right supplements to balance what your body doesn’t produce enough of on its own. A weak immune system can be a result of lack of exercise and being overweight. If you have a high BMI, your immune system may not be working at full capacity.

Because Pneumonia can be contracted easily if you are already experiencing other illnesses, avoid people and places where you might encounter more germs. Stay away from grocery stores, public transportation, and even crowded waiting rooms.

Carry hand sanitizer with you, as well, and use it frequently. Every time you use the door to a public bathroom and after every time you use a grocery cart are good places to start. Think about all the things you touch on a daily basis, and what parts of your own body your hands are coming into contact with, from your eyes to your mouth. Keep them clean to keep yourself healthy.

Because Pneumonia is a lung infection, smoking, which makes your lungs more susceptible to infections, will make it harder for you to prevent or even battle the ailment.

A healthy lifestyle has just as much to do with what you do as what you abstain from doing. This means avoiding the wrong kinds of fats in food, too much alcohol, or avoiding stressful situations. Fats that are found in plant-based foods and oils are better for you than saturated fats often found in red meat and dairy products like butter. [6] X Trustworthy Source EatRight. org Organization associated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics providing advice about food, health, and fitness Go to source

Avoid sugar and processed foods since they can contribute to your inflammation.

Sleep in the right position. You’ll get the best rest when you sleep in a position that keeps your neck and head straight. Also avoid sleeping on your stomach because it causes your head to lie at an awkward angle. Reduce light and sound an hour before going to bed. Give your body time to wind down by not using any electronics. If you feel restless, try reading in bed. Not getting enough sleep can also make it harder to fight off infections.

Cough which produces green, yellow, or blood-like mucus, phlegm, or sputum. Fever, which may be mild or high. Body aches. Shaking chills. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath when climbing stairs. Sweating and clammy skin. Headache. Loss of appetite, low energy, and fatigue. Sharp, sudden pain in the middle of the chest.

Other factors like taking certain health medications, or a previous stroke can make Pneumonia easier to contract. To prevent Pneumonia, ensure that you are eating healthy foods and getting as much exercise as possible. Ask your doctor what you can be doing to prevent infection as they can make recommendations that are specifically tailored to you.

If you feel that you may be showing symptoms, consulting your doctor as soon as possible can help you prevent the illness from worsening. Your doctor may order a chest x-ray if they think Pneumonia is a possibility. While you shouldn’t wait too long to go to the doctor if you do have Pneumonia, one of the ways to prevent getting Pneumonia is to stay away from areas where sick people are, like a hospital or doctor’s office. So it’s best to check to see if your symptoms resemble Pneumonia or just a common cold.

While this isn’t a cure-all or the ultimate prevention, a vaccination will help your body to learn what to look out for. Your doctor may recommend vaccination more frequently if you have certain chronic health conditions, such as asthma. In addition, getting other vaccinations for illnesses like measles or the flu can help prevent these illnesses from escalating to Pneumonia.

While a regular checkup may not find or prevent Pneumonia exactly, getting checked for myriad illnesses or conditions like immunodeficiency, blood pressure, asthma, etc. , will help you prevent any other ailments that could lead to Pneumonia from getting worse.

Avoid drinks with sugar in them. Water that is either warm or room temperature will be most effective for keeping you hydrated, and you can add lemon for a bit of flavor.

Use a thermometer to monitor your fever. If your fever is 103 °F (39 °C) or higher, see your doctor immediately.

Your doctor will find which antibiotic is right for you based on your age, other health conditions, and medical history.