If you have never met the person before, try meeting up sober in a public place, like a café or a restaurant, to talk before you go on a date.

Get a taxi app on your phone Ask a friend to pick you up at a certain time Meet somewhere easily accessed by public transportation, and have your routes planned out.

Plan to meet up with friends later if it’s a first date. Let them know where you will be so they can come find you if they can’t get in touch with you. Make sure you have a friend who will be sober and attentive enough to be in charge of ensuring you are safe.

Watch your glass. If anyone passes a hand over it, don’t drink it.

Unexpected drunkenness Wooziness or drowsiness Mental confusion Hallucinations Difficulty speaking Loose and uncoordinated movements Gaps in your memory Nausea Vomiting Seizures

You can say, “I’m sorry, but I’m not feeling well. I’ve texted my roommate she’s coming to pick me up. "

Someone who flatters and pampers you might also be trying to manipulate you. If it feels like the praise comes only when you comply with their wishes, and dries up when you speak up for yourself, distrust them. This is not to say that anyone who treats you well is safe. People you trust can be perpetrators of sexual assault.

You might say, “I’m going to go home now. " If they press, just say that you’re sure, and that you’re not interested in being convinced otherwise.

You might say, “I already told you I don’t want another drink. You are welcome to keep drinking, but if you keep trying to get me to drink what you ordered I will leave. " If your date ignores your boundary, stick to the consequence you set.

People who are drugged or very drunk cannot consent to sex. [8] X Trustworthy Source Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network Largest anti-sexual assault organization in the US providing support and advocacy for survivors Go to source If your date is underage, they are not old enough to consent to sex.

You can ask things like “May I kiss you?” “Is this okay?” or “Would you like to do this?” Ask before you touch them, then continue to ask whenever the encounter escalates.

For instance, if you like roughhousing but don’t like pressure on your neck, say so. If they tell you they don’t want a certain kind of touch, respect that.

If your date says “yes” and sounds sincere, that’s consent. If they urge you on, ask for consent to do more, and express pleasure, that’s enthusiasm.

You can also withdraw consent at any moment. Say, “Stop,” and move away.