Tape this list on your bathroom mirror so whenever you find yourself judging your physical appearance, you can immediately correct these judgments by focusing on positive strengths you have in other areas of life.

Whenever you catch yourself being nit-picky about any perceived flaws on your body, try to correct yourself and declare positive affirmations like “My legs and arms allow me to do cartwheels. “, “My heart is so strong it delivers blood to my entire body. " or “My nose helps me to smell these beautiful flowers. " Your body image may be poor if you are always directing your attention on what you think it is lacking. You can develop higher self-esteem and confidence if you uplift the wonderful things your body helps you to do.

Be a rebel and admonish images on TV, the internet, or in magazines of females who are significantly underweight and males who are idolized for having perfectly muscular bodies. Make a point of reminding yourself that these are not real portrayals of the true range of human bodies.

Dissatisfaction with one’s physical appearance is a warning sign for anorexia and other eating disorders. Reminding your friends of this may help to promote awareness and also help you to reinforce thinking about your body in a more positive manner.

Despite what may be uplifted in the media, there is no ideal body types. Healthy human bodies come in all shapes and sizes. Furthermore, no amount of weight loss or change will suddenly make your life more exciting or enjoyable. [1] X Research source If you have formed an association between happiness in life and your appearance, it may be necessary to visit with a therapist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy. This type of treatment may be helpful for individuals at risk of eating disorders because it helps them identify and alter irrational or inaccurate thoughts and beliefs. [2] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

Perfectionism is demonstrated when you often have trouble meeting your own standards. You may be very critical of yourself and your abilities. You may also procrastinate on tasks or do them over and over again until they meet your standards. You can speak see a therapist for help with overcoming perfectionism. Cognitive-behavioral therapy may be helpful in pinpointing perfectionist beliefs and finding ways of developing healthier expectations for yourself.

All carbohydrates are not bad as many fad diets like to declare. [4] X Research source Carbohydrates are a necessary macronutrient in the body. In fact, complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains offer an abundance of energy and fiber without the surplus calories. Simple carbohydrates like white bread, rice, and potatoes are processed in the body faster and leave you with sugar cravings shortly after. These foods should be enjoyed only in moderation. When you deny yourself something, you are draining yourself of willpower. Willpower is a limited resource, and, over time, it will become difficult to stay away from whatever you have labeled as off-limits. The trick to stopping endless cravings while still keeping your eating plan relatively healthy is to allow yourself a small portion of foods you have labeled as off-limits. This prevents the necessity to overeat these foods later. [5] X Research source A less common type of anorexia is the binge-eating/purging type. These sufferers may place extreme restriction on their eating habits, only having very small portions of food at a time. After bouts of denial, they may give in to a small portion of cake, a regular-sized meal or a complete binge. Afterwards, they punish themselves by working out vigorously or by purging (vomiting) what they have eaten. The most common form of this disorder is characterized by extreme restricting without bingeing or purging. [6] X Research source

The bad news: diets often fail. Removing certain food groups and eating below nutritional guidelines can lead to numerous health problems. Statistics show that 95% of all dieters will regain lost weight within 1 to 5 years. [7] X Research source Neumark-Sztainer D. , Haines, J. , Wall, M. , & Eisenberg, M. ( 2007). Why does dieting predict weight gain in adolescents? Findings from project EAT-II: a 5-year longitudinal study. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107(3), 448-55. As described above, two primary reasons why diets fail are because individuals often restrict their calories too low to maintain over a long period of time, or they deny themselves foods they really like. When they began eating normally again, they gain all the weight back. Individuals who are constantly, or yo-yo, dieting are at risk of diminished muscle mass, bone deficiencies, heart disease, and negatively affecting the metabolism.

A dietitian will determine the dietary needs you require based on your medical history and any allergies you may have. In general, Americans should eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources like poultry, fish, eggs, beans and nuts, fat-free or low-fat dairy, and whole grains. [9] X Research source Your dietitian might also suggest that you get with your primary care physician to determine a regular exercise plan. Along with a balanced diet, exercise can help you control weight, prevent disease, improve your mood, and live a longer life. [10] X Trustworthy Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Go to source ]

Talk to a therapist about any disordered patterns of eating behavior from your childhood that may have influenced your current habits.