Fluency and Coherence:This measures your ability to speak without too many pauses and hesitations. It is also to do with how easily and clearly your ideas can be understood. Lexical Resource:This refers to your use of words and the range and accuracy of the vocabulary you choose to use. Not only how you select words but also how well you use them will be considered. Grammatical Range and Accuracy:The variety of grammar you use and how correctly you use it are both judged by the interviewer. So, the range of tenses as well as the appropriate use of them is important in all parts of the Speaking test. Pronunciation: Here it is not only individual words but the whole sentences which are considered. The interviewer will be considering how easily they can understand what you are saying.

provide full answers to all questions give longer responses to some questions give information by describing and explaining

Your country of origin Your hometown How long you have lived there What you do: work or study Your interests and future plans

Family and family relationships Modern and traditional lifestyles Traditional or modern buildings Tourism and tourist sites Celebrations and cultural activities Schooling and the education system City and country living

The interviewer greets the candidate and introduces himself or herself. The interviewer asks the candidate to state his or her name clearly for the cassette and confirms the candidate’s country of origin. The interviewer then asks to see the candidate’s identification. The remainder of Part 1 of the test will follow this format: The interviewer will ask the candidate set questions about your hometown or your occupation. The interviewer will then ask set questions about a familiar topic of general interest. They could ask three to five questions which will extend or develop this topic. The interviewer may ask the candidate about more than one topic.

What’s your name? What country do you come from? Describe your hometown to me. Where do you live? Tell me about your family members What are you studying? What do you dislike most about your studies? Do you like eating in restaurants? Why? What type of transport do you use most? Why? Where would you like to go on holiday? Why? Tell me who you would most like to go on vacation with.

talk at length on a topic develop your ideas into a talk use grammar correctly and speak clearly

You should say: where you met them what relationship this person was to you what was special about them and explain how they influenced you so much.

For example: If you are preparing the talk shown in the example above: ‘Describe a person from your youth who had a great influence on you’ and you are thinking about your grandmother who was a musician and who looked after you when you were a child, taught you to play the piano, talked to you often about music and musicians and encouraged you to express your feelings through many forms of music, then your notes may look like this: g/mother musician taught me piano intro. me -> many music forms encouraged feelings through music major influence

g/mother (or grandmother)could become:“The person who had most influence on me was actually my father’s mother, my grandmother; she grew up in the country and moved to the city in 1965 to get a better education. ”and * intro. me -> many forms of music could become:“She opened up my life to music in its many different forms. We would make music by clapping our hands, using bottles,jars, pots and pans, anything we could use, as well as the piano. My life was full of music. ”

“Thank you, that is the end of the Speaking test. ”

give in-depth answers to questions about the topic use the language of description, comparison and speculation explain and justify your opinions, assumptions, predictions, reasons etc

Describe a piece of music that has had a big effect on you. Possible related topics may be: Music in society Cultural aspects of music Commercialization of music

I hope that … It’s possible that… I can see that … If possible, I’d like to see … We should plan to … It might be that … We can assume that … Probably, … I expect that …