You will also have to have testing done to ensure that you are a good candidate for the surgery. Discuss alternatives with your doctor. Committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle is the least invasive and least risky way to lose weight. There are other alternatives to gastric bypass. For example, there is the gastric sleeve, which works in a similar way to gastric bypass, but is a much less-invasive outpatient procedure.

Ask your specialist about what pre- and post-op resources the hospital offers to its bariatric surgery patients. The more support you have, the better. Ask your specialist how experienced they are with the surgery. Just because a surgeon has less experience doesn’t mean they are not a good surgeon. However, more experienced surgeons may know how to deal with complications better. Ask about complication rates. Find out how many of your specialist’s patients ended up dealing with complications after the surgery. The national average for complications related to gastric bypass surgery is 3. 6%. Ideally, your specialist’s complication rate will be below that percentage. Ask about your surgeon’s board certification and if their hospital is a Bariatric Center of Excellence. Ask your specialist about the expected weight loss and in what time period. You should also ask about the recovery period more generally. [3] X Research source

For example, you will learn that, as a result of the surgery, your body will not be able to absorb all the calories from the foods you eat. Thus, you will have to make sure that you are eating the right foods to keep you healthy. You will also learn that your meals will need to be smaller. You might also learn that eating too many carbohydrates and/or sugary foods is likely to make you sick after your surgery.

Receiving counseling may also be helpful for figuring out reasons behind your obesity. For example, if you believe that you are an “emotional eater” a counselor might be able to show you healthier ways to cope with stress.  

Quitting smoking is not easy to do, but it will be a good step towards living a healthier lifestyle. If you are interested in quitting smoking, talk to your doctor. They can offer you different ideas about how to successfully quit. You can also enlist the support of friends and family, who can help keep you on track. If you have tried quitting in the past, try a different method of quitting than the ones you have used in the past. [7] X Trustworthy Source American Lung Association Nonprofit health organization dedicated to improving lung health through education, advocacy, and research Go to source

Tell them about everything you are taking, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Don’t forget about any vitamins and herbal supplements you take. Some medications can make it more difficult for your blood to clot, which can be dangerous when you are undergoing major surgery. If you are asked to switch to a liquid diet, your health care team will likely provide you with a list of liquids that you can consume during this time. If they don’t, be sure to ask what is OK and what is not. Switching to a liquid diet will help your body prepare for what your diet will be like in the weeks following the surgery.

If you have stairs in your home, you may want to make sure that you have everything you need to live downstairs for the first couple of weeks. It may be painful to walk up stairs for awhile, so having everything you need downstairs might be a good idea. For example, make sure that the bed where you will rest is made up with clean sheets. Make sure that the TV is set up and ready to watch and that you have lots of movies to keep you entertained.   You may want to put your laptop, e-reader, or tablet by your bed and make sure the battery is charged, and have the charger plugged in as well. Make sure that you have plenty of the liquids that have been approved by your doctor ready to go. For example, make sure you have fat-free milk, fruit drinks, and clear high protein soups. The last thing you will want to do is go shopping after you leave the hospital.

You are not allowed to eat or drink because you will be receiving general anaesthesia. This is what puts you to “sleep” during the surgery. There is a risk of vomiting during surgery at the induction of anesthesia, which could cause any food or liquid to go into your lungs and cause lung damage and infection. [9] X Research source

Stick to loose, pajama like clothing. Comfortable sweat pants, loose t-shirts, and a comfy bathrobe may help you feel a little more like yourself during your recovery. Don’t forget to pack toiletries, such as a toothbrush and comb. Your hospital may have these on hand, but it can be nice to have some of your own things.   You will be encouraged to do a bit of walking after your surgery, so pack a pair of non-slip slippers if you want to. Don’t forget to pack something you can use to entertain yourself. Bring along a book, an e-reader, crosswords, or even a coloring book with some crayons so you have something to do if you get bored.

You can say something like, “I’ve discussed it with my doctor and we have agreed that having gastric bypass surgery is a good option for me. I have tried to lose the weight in other ways, but I haven’t been successful. I want to live a long and healthier life, so I’m going to have the surgery. I hope that you will be able to support me through this journey. ” Having a strong support system after the surgery will be very beneficial to you and your recovery.

Talk to your doctors and nurses about what you can and shouldn’t do in the first days after going home. They will provide you with information on how to care for your surgery wounds, what you can eat and/or drink for the first days and weeks. [12] X Research source You can then stock your home with everything you will need so you don’t need to go out shopping for awhile. Don’t forget to arrange a way to get home from the hospital. Ask a friend or family member, or arrange a taxi that will come pick you up.  

Don’t forget to factor in commute time. If you are driving to the hospital remember to think about what time of day you will be travelling. For example, consider whether or not you will need to go to the hospital in the middle of rush hour traffic. If so, plan to go even earlier to beat the traffic.

If you are feeling really nervous try doing something to help yourself relax. For example, you could meditate quietly, read something you enjoy, or watch television. Do whatever helps you relax.

Generally, you must have a body mass index (BMI) over 40. People with a BMI between 35 and 39 might be eligible if they are also suffering from an obesity-related life-threatening illness (e. g. type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or high blood pressure). There are two methods for conducting the surgery. The preferred method is called laparoscopic surgery, and involves conducting the surgery through 5 or 6 small abdominal incisions. The second kind, open surgery, is less common, and involves making a larger incision into the abdomen to perform the procedure. [14] X Research source The laparoscopic method is the preferred method because it reduces pain and recovery time. In some cases, perhaps because of previous surgeries, it may not be possible to perform the surgery this way. Don’t go into surgery without knowing which method your surgeon plans to use, but be aware that a laparoscopic operation may have to be converted to an open operation to complete the surgery or deal with complications.

For example, you will need to commit yourself to eating healthy and exercising. Additionally, you will have to commit yourself to long-term health monitoring. This might include regular health checks to make sure you are getting enough nutrients and sticking to a healthier lifestyle.

In some cases your insurance may not cover the costs of the surgery. If this is true in your case, talk to your doctor’s office about payment plans.