Even though you can always retake the test, save yourself the extra costs and trouble by passing it in the first sitting. Read along as we show you how to prepare for your AWS certification.

1. Familiarize Yourself With the Exam

How well do you know the AWS Certification exam? It’s one thing to know about the certification, and it’s another thing to know how the exam works. You need to familiarize yourself with the exam requirements, guidelines, and instructions.

Nowadays, learning about the AWS Certification is easy as you can get all the information you need online. Besides reading about the certification, you can watch instruction videos where an expert trainer talks about all you need to know about the exam.

You can also learn about the AWS Certification on online forums. And that’s because they offer questions and answers from real people. Popular ones include the Reddit AWS Certificate, AWSBoy, and Devglan, among others. Whichever one you choose, ensure they are updated, as it’s best to stay up-to-date on any AWS activities.

2. Select Your AWS Module

AWS is an effective cloud computing solution like its counterpart—Microsoft Azure. One of the first steps in preparation for your AWS certificate is to identify which AWS module you’ll be enrolling in.

There are three levels of AWS certifications: Foundational, Associate, and Professional. Each tier has a varied depth and scope, which is the extent to which AWS services and systems are covered in a certification exam. They all have a degree of technical knowledge required for each exam.

If you’re new to AWS, starting with the foundational level or module is recommended for proper understanding and assimilation. You don’t want to start with the associate level or professional level if you’re a beginner; it will be a complete waste of time and resources.

3. Set Study Milestones

The AWS Certification exam covers different subjects and topics. Covering all areas of the exam at once can be overwhelming. To make your preparation interesting and worthwhile, create measurable milestones for yourself.

Identify each milestone and its completion metrics. For instance, you could make studying AWS documentation one of your milestones. Reward yourself for every milestone you meet successfully. Doing this will make you feel good about yourself and boost your self-confidence in passing the exam.

4. Get Technical Training

As you learn about AWS’s concept, skills, terminology, and foundations, don’t neglect the practical work. AWS adopts a practical approach in its certification exams. So, while you acquire the beginner skills, be more involved in the technical aspect.

Take advantage of this AWS technical training organized by AWS experts to get training either by role or solution. Another good thing is that this training is periodically updated.

5. Test Your Knowledge With Practice

Put the skills and technical training you have acquired into practice by testing all you’ve learned so far. Test yourself by attempting any of the numerous free exam questions online. You can also buy this set of Udemy practice tests that can help you prepare.

Practicing and attempting past exams can help you know your weaknesses or strengths in all you’ve learned. Remember, you don’t have to depend solely on the free test you see online. You can also tell an unbiased friend, colleague, or family member to access your knowledge.

6. Schedule Your Final Exam

When you’re fully prepared and believe you are ready to ace the exam, proceed to schedule your AWS certification exam. AWS exams have flexible exam schedules that are very much convenient for examinees. You’re free to choose what works best for you.

AWS offers its exams through Pearson VUE and PSI test administrators. Both companies provide AWS Certification tests internationally, so ensure you choose one suitable for you.

Most importantly, before you jump into scheduling the exam, it would be best to take the time to review the AWS policies for AWS Certification candidates. There might be some information that you might be missing.

Acing the AWS Certification Exam

The AWS certification is relevant for any IT personnel that wants to be recognized as a professional. Applying for and passing the exam will strengthen your footing in your career as an expert.

The exam is well-grounded to test participants’ knowledge to the core. Nonetheless, it’s doable. With the right preparation, you can ace the exam like many others before.