You can find simple sheet music from a piano book for beginners. Simple or beginner songs include “Amazing Grace,” “Ode to Joy,” and “Waltz. " Once you can sight read simple songs, you’ll be able to move onto more complex material.

On the treble staff, the notes on the lines, from bottom to top, are E, G, B, D, F. You can memorize this by remembering the mnemonic device “Every Good Boy Does Fine. " On the treble staff, the notes in between the spaces, from bottom to top, are F, A, C, E. Going through a number of different songs during each practice session will hone your music reading skills.

Popular apps include Sight Reading Mastery, Music Tutor, and NoteWorks.

Search beginner piano books and piano lesson websites to learn the 12 major scales. The C major scale is one of the most common scales. Its note sequence is C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C.

Search beginner piano books and piano lesson websites to learn the 12 major scales. The C major scale is one of the most common scales. Its note sequence is C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C.

The treble clef looks like 𝄞 , while the bass clef looks like a giant apostrophe with a colon 𝄢. On the treble clef staff, the five line notes from bottom to top are: E, G, B, D, F. The four space notes from bottom to top are: F, A, C, E. On the bass clef staff, the five line notes from bottom to top are: G, B, D, F, A. The four space notes from bottom to top are: A, C, E, G.

You can also listen to the song to give you an idea of how it should sound.

For instance, a whole note is 4 beats long. Count to 4 and tap your foot every time you say “one. " This is how long you should hold a whole note. A half note is 2 beats long. Count to 2, and tap your foot every time you say “one. " Quarter notes are 1 beat. Tap your foot 4 times over 4 seconds to copy the rhythm of 4 quarter notes playing in a row. [9] X Research source

This exercise will build up your muscle memory so that you know where to position your hands while you play.

You’ll know that you’re ready to read ahead when you can comfortably sit in front of a new piece of music and follow along with the notes as you play.

It will take time to learn to keep your eyes on the music, but this gets easier as you gain experience with sight reading.

Tempo markings will often be found on the top and to the left of the notes. Some examples of tempo markings include allegro (brisk), presto (very fast), moderato (moderately fast), grave (slow/solemn), and lento (slow). A small dot above the note is called a staccato and signifies that the note should be shorter in duration. This is an example of articulation. A slur is an articulation that looks like a curved line written above the notes. When you see this articulation it means that you shouldn’t put any beats or spaces in between the notes. [16] X Research source