“Wow, you look great today!” “I love your new haircut. ” “Where did you get that sweater? It’s so pretty!” Share compliments that you overheard with the person they’re about. [2] X Research source Remind the people in your life that you’re grateful for them. [3] X Expert Source Kim Chronister, PsyDClinical Psychologist Expert Interview. 28 July 2021.

If you meet someone who’s sad or grumpy, smile anyway. Ask them if they’re having a hard day, listen to their problems, offer to help in any way you can, and wish them better luck in the future. Share contact information if there is something you can do to help them down the road.

The elderly can also get lonely. Visit them and listen to their stories.

You can also wash their car, weed the yard, do the dishes for a week with no questions asked, or make them breakfast in bed.

Send or bring treats like donuts or pastries to your local police station, emergency room, or fire department. You can order them from a bakery, or even better, make them yourself! Include a thank you card with your gift. A lot of people don’t get much positive reinforcement in their day-to-day life, so kind words really help them feel seen. [8] X Expert Source Kim Chronister, PsyDClinical Psychologist Expert Interview. 28 July 2021.

If you take a walk, take a plastic grocery bag with you so you can collect any trash you see.

If you pick up trash on the side of the road, don’t call the city waste management office and brag about how much work you’ve saved them. If you do a chore for a family member, don’t hold it over their head by saying “You owe me one. ” If you give up your seat on public transportation, don’t look around at other people expecting them to give up their seat for you.