Shoe trees can be replaced by wadding up a newspaper and inserting it into the toe of your boot. [1] X Research source For boots with taller necks, wad up some old t-shirts or towels and pack them tightly into the neck of your boots. This will make the necks easier to handle as you polish.
Start by gently brushing your boot’s surface. Pay close attention to any areas of dirt, dust, and other debris. Make sure that the debris is completely removed before continuing.
Use a welt brush and a dab of water to reach smaller areas and openings in your boot such as the eyelets and the welts. However, do not soak your boot when applying the water. Allow your shoes 10-15 minutes to dry before continuing, and make sure every area of your shoe has dried completely.
Don’t use your favorite bathroom or kitchen towels to cover the area as some polishes can leave a permanent stain. Do not wear your boots for at least 24 hours after polishing.
For oil-tanned leather, use an oil or conditioner for polishing. Simply use a clean cloth, dab it into the oil or conditioner, and lightly spread it thoroughly across your boot. Oil-tanned leather will have been treated with oil to help make the boots more resistant to various types of weather. [6] X Research source When treating suede or rough out based leather, do not use oil, polish, or conditioner, as it is not needed. Use a leather protector spray instead.
Ensuring that the corner of your cloth is saturated before applying your polish will help you create a smooth, even coat. This will also help prevent you from making the coat too thick.
Only apply a very thin layer of the polish to your shoes—if you put on too much, it’s just going to sit on the surface of the leather, and it’s not going to soak in. [9] X Expert Source Penny SimmonsShoe Care Specialist Expert Interview. 19 November 2020. Using a circular motion will help the wax or cream to spread evenly over the surface of your boot.
The welt strip is a piece of leather that is used to attach the insole and outsole of your boots. Neglecting to polish this area will affect the sleekness of your finished product.
Some heavier polishes may require longer drying times. Be sure to check your polish’s container for possible drying time alternatives.
Don’t scrub your boot harshly—this should be a very gentle process. [13] X Expert Source Penny SimmonsShoe Care Specialist Expert Interview. 19 November 2020. Don’t go back and fix any missed areas just yet. Finish all of the steps for your first polish before repeating steps on missed areas.
Make sure you are only using clean parts of the rag. If you don’t feel that you have enough clean area left on your rag, grab a new one. It is important that, when wiping your boots down, the rag you use is free from polish that may re-saturate your boots.
Wearing boots with wet polish can increase the risk of scuffs and cracks. This can happen when your polish is not allowed enough time to form a protective coating over its surface.
This is also the time you will want to go back and re-polish any areas that were missed during the first application.
This will help you make sure that you are applying an even coat of wax. If there are too many folds in your cloth, it can cause an uneven layer.
Thick layers of wax can cause the wax to be absorbed by the leather and will ruin the base coat you just made.
Do not worry if there is an increase in friction between your finger and your boot along with a matted or cloudy texture. This only means that the wax is beginning to harden and you will want to continue shaping it into a smooth layer. If needed, you can add a drop of water to the hardening wax and continue to massage it with light, circular motions. Continue to add one drop of water at a time until the matted texture disappears.
Allowing the wax time to dry is particularly important if you plan to apply another layer.
Be patient during this process. Depending on the state of your boots, they may take more applications of wax for your desired outcome. Don’t rush the process, as rushing through the steps will not help you get your desired finish.