When playing more than 1 game of Werewolf, take turns being the moderator so that everyone gets a chance to play. If there are a large number of players, the moderator can use a notebook to write down the role of each player and who has been killed to keep track of the game.

If you’re playing with more than 15 people, add 1 werewolf card for every 4 players that are in the group. Alternatively, shuffle in bonus roles like the Witch or the Alpha Werewolf to mix up the game.

Each player keeps their eyes closed when it isn’t their turn. If any player opens their eyes or cheats, then they are out of the game.

When the werewolves make a decision and agree on a victim, the moderator takes note of who is being killed and says, “Werewolves, close your eyes. ” The werewolves keep drumming while they decide so the other players don’t suspect them.

The Doctor can choose to save themselves if they want. The Doctor won’t know who the werewolves chose to kill. If someone was chosen to be killed by the werewolves and the Doctor chose to save them, the moderator will say, “Someone has been saved,” at the beginning of the day round.

The moderator can give a thumbs up or nod their head to let the Seer know if they guessed correctly. In some versions of the game, such as One Night: Ultimate Werewolf, the Seer is allowed to view the card of the player of their choice instead of simply identifying whether a player is a werewolf or not.

Eliminated players remain silent for the rest of the game and do not reveal their identity. Alternatively, have the killed player reveal their card. This variation speeds up the game and makes it a bit easier for the villagers to win. Have fun role playing the event! The moderator might make up a story about how the player was killed, who might perform dramatic death throes.

For example, when it’s your turn, you could say something like, “Hi, I’m Chris, the local blacksmith. I’ve got a bunch of pitchforks sharpened and ready to hunt werewolves!” Role playing is a big part of the game, so have fun with it!

Though there does not have to be a limit, to keep the game moving, set a 5-minute time limit for the day phase to force the other players to make a decision as to who they want to kill off. If the village runs out of time or they can’t reach a majority vote, then the round ends, nobody is killed, and the opportunity to potentially kill a werewolf is missed.

The werewolves typically win the game if they kill enough villagers to make the numbers even, since at that point they have a clear path to winning. But let the game play our for fun, anyway!

If the Witch chooses to take action, they gesture which action they want to take by pointing at a player and then miming either resurrecting them or poisoning them. Get creative! If the Witch doesn’t want to act that night, they simply shake their head.