Level 1 cards are known as “Perception” cards, and are all about your impressions of yourself and the other players. Level 2 cards are called “Connection” cards, and take a deeper emotional dive into each player’s past. Level 3 cards are known as “Reflection” cards, and give you a chance to reflect on the connections you’ve made with the other players. [2] X Research source You can also remove each stack of cards from the box and arrange them in 3 piles. [3] X Research source

If you’re playing with a group of at least 3 people, you only need 1 “Dig Deeper” tile, which you can set next to the card box. Each player will just grab the tile when they want to use it, rather than holding onto it during the game.

If you’re playing with a larger group, you may need to provide extra pencils, pens, and paper for the other players.

What was your first impression of me? What do you think I do for a living? Do you think I’ve ever had my heart broken?[9] X Research source

Set any leftover cards face-up to the side of the card box.

Let’s say the question was “What is the worst assumption someone has made about you?” and Player 2 answered, “People assume that I’m rude when I’m really just shy. ” Player 1 could use a “Dig Deeper” to get Player 2 to elaborate on that answer a little more.

How are you, really? What’s the most unexplainable thing that’s ever happened to you? What is your defining characteristic?[13] X Research source

What can we create together? What can I help you with? In a word, how would you describe our conversation?[15] X Research source

In the “Quarantine Edition” of the game, the instructions encourage players to type out a message to the other player. After the video call ends, both players send the messages over to one another. [17] X Research source

“I have found there are 2 ways to play this game: 1) Play safe. 2) Play to grow. The second is how you win. ”[24] X Research source

Friendship Edition: Think you know everything about your bestie? This expansion pack may surprise you. [26] X Research source Couples Edition: Take a deep dive with your partner, spouse, or SO as you learn more about each other. [27] X Research source Self-Love Edition: Play this expansion of WNRS by yourself. You might be surprised about what you discover along the way![28] X Research source Family Edition: Learn a little more about your loved ones (and your friend family) with several decks of engaging questions. [29] X Research source Healing Edition: This expansion pack lets you take a deep dive in your mental health experiences. You can also play this with a close friend or loved one, if you’d like. [30] X Research source Breakup Edition: Use this expansion back after a tough split with your ex as a way to reflect and learn more about yourself. [31] X Research source Forgiveness Edition: This expansion pack can help you on your journey of forgiveness—whether you’re struggling to forgive someone else, or yourself. [32] X Research source Relationship Expansion Pack: This is a great pack for couples who’d like to take their relationship to a deeper, more emotionally intimate level. [33] X Research source

Ex-Friend Edition: Host a deep, intellectual discussion with a former friend to better explore your past. Introspective Journal: This solo card pack allows you to check in with yourself. Quarantine Edition: Make the most of your time apart with a game of quarantine-related questions. [34] X Research source Race and Privilege Edition: Use this card pack to have a tough but meaningful conversation about race and privilege with the people in your life. [35] X Research source