You will indicate this faster when the pushback truck appears and the other airplane services exit before this (fuel will be last unless if it leaves simultaneously). To avoid collision on aircraft, only pushback aircraft 1 gate away from each other (for example, one airplane pushes back at gate A3, so don’t pushback the A2/A4 aircraft, but pushback the A1/A5 aircraft if they request).

It is OK to have two or more aircraft wait for take-off clearance at the same runway. They will stop near the plane ahead of them, so don’t worry about having collisions here. While the plane taxis to the runway, the aircraft will do a safety briefing on board if you check the aircraft.

After some time, you will earn virtual coins for every take-off, depending on the aircraft. You will also earn a bonus when you level up the airport with every take-off in hand.

If neglected (or a plane is taking off by the time the plane will land), the aircraft will call for a go-around. You will need to re-land the plane to make it to your airport. Once again, some airports have two runways to use for landing. Again, you can select the runway before approving the plane for a landing. However, this can only happen in the early stages of requesting a landing.

In some cases, the plane will request to cross the runway to get to their gate. Make sure no planes are to collide with the plane needing to cross the runway before approving further.

If you would like to continue the game, you will need to pay virtual coins to go ahead. There is also a chance that you will get a “Dangerous Operation. " This can happen for a multitude of reasons, but this will also impede a perfect record. Avoid this when 2 aircraft use the runway for takeoff. If you need to avoid collisions, there is a button that says “Hold Pos/Hold Position”. This can be useful if you need to prioritize other aircraft.

In some cases, there will be foggy skies covering the airport. As the low visibility makes it harder for aircraft to move, pushback/take-off requests will also be closed (similar to the thunderstorm weather closure). The fog could stay in the airport for a few minutes before dissipating. In Snowlake Regional and White Center International, the skies could also snow around the airport while the radar shows significant precipitation. Unlike a thunderstorm weather closure, the airport will not be impeded and operations can continue.

Sometimes, an emergency can be also called if the aircraft says to cancel the takeoff (rejected takeoff). You will indicate this by the camera view changing to the plane slowing down and with smoke in one of the engines. They will need to taxi to a gate to start service again.