Lever harps have sharping levers at the top to change the notes. Pedal harps have seven pedals that can make notes flat, natural, or sharp. There are also wire-strung harps, double-strung harps, triple harps, Aeolian harps and other less common styles.

The pedal harp is also one of the most expensive types of harps.

People who like Celtic music often choose Celtic-style lever harps.

While it is best to be able to play an instrument before purchase, harps can be ordered from reputable harp dealers on the internet. Be wary, however, of some of the inexpensive ($300-$400) harps. Only buy antique or used harps with the advice of an experienced harper/harpist. A cheap antique harp may need thousands of dollars of repairs before it can be played.

If you have a lap-harp, you may have to rest its base on a box in front of you. The chair that should at a height where you can easily reach the harp.

Your feet should rest on the floor.

You can also watch videos on YouTube to help you learn the basics.

If you have a pedal harp, be sure that all pedals are disengaged before tuning. Place each pedal in the flat key, which is the top notch. If you have a lever harp, be sure all levers are disengaged. With your lever harp, you will probably first tune to the key of C Major.

You will need to learn the notes and read music at some point if you are serious about the harp, but don’t worry about that too much when you are a beginner.

Be careful not to let your knuckles collapse as you do this, as that will decrease the sound quality.