Sit up in a chair with your back straight so that you can breathe into the horn without obstruction. You usually want to sit on the edge of the chair to prevent slouching. Hold the horn at a 45-degree angle with the mouthpiece toward your face. Cup your hand and place your left thumb on the thumb key. Put your left index, middle, and ring fingers on the three keys on top. Your left pinkie should be through the pinkie ring, and your right hand inside the bell. Now that your fingers are in place, bring the horn up so that the mouthpiece is against your lips. [2] X Research source

Practice saying, “mmmm” with your mouth, slowly adding pressure between your lips. Your lips should form a frown. However, make sure to keep your face relatively relaxed, as tensing your face too much can cause you to tire more easily. The corners of your mouth should stay in place, almost as if you’re puckering your lips. [3] X Research source It’s a good idea to practice in front of a mirror to make sure you’re getting your form right. [4] X Research source

You want to blow into the horn using fast, quick blows that come from your diaphragm, not your chest. Try to take in deep breaths before blowing. [5] X Research source Make sure you’re not pressing your mouth into the mouthpiece too hard. If your teeth hurt or a ring appears on your lips, you’re pressing too hard. You want a relaxed tension against the mouthpiece when you blow into it. [6] X Research source If there isn’t any sound coming out, make sure you’re putting enough air through the horn.

Through repeated playing, muscle memory builds, so your fingers know where the keys are. Practices pressing the keys, knowing which keys you’re pressing. Do this until you can pass a test of accuracy. [7] X Research source It can help to have a fingering chart while you practice. [8] X Research source

Sheet music is the basis of many musical performances. You can also learn by ear, but most songs are played from sheet music. Learning sheet music gives you a deeper understanding of how your instrument works, as well as music theory. [10] X Research source

Many parts go into the relationship between notes and the staff. That’s why this piece is so fundamental.

There are two main clefs that can show up on a music staff. The treble clef notates the higher pitches of music, and the bass clef notates the lower pitches.

Pick music that has a variety of note structures, clefs, and tempos.

Since your right hand is in the bell anyway, just slide it up to the top of the bell so that it’s resting on your hand. All your other hand placements stay the same. You can buy small modification pieces that help hold up the horn easier.

Muting (or stopping) the horn creates a high-pitched sound from the bell. You can stop the horn by moving your hand further into the bell until it’s in all the way. Twist it until little or no air can get out. [15] X Research source Slurring notes are playing two notes without stopping or releasing between. To do this you’ll continue to change the notes on your keys but your airflow remains constant and steady. [16] X Research source Playing glissando is starting and ending on specific notes while playing as many notes between as you can. [17] X Research source

You can get books of sheet music that have a variety of songs with different levels of difficulty. Tutor books sometimes include training schedules, often with lessons on reading sheet music. [18] X Research source

You can consult tutors, French horn websites, video comment threads, and forums.

Polish it using a polishing cloth. If it’s dirty, you can apply polishing gauze with a cloth. [19] X Research source Let the interior of the instrument dry. Remove the valve slides and dry those while the rest of the body is drying. [20] X Research source

Clean the mouthpiece with dish soap and water. It might also be helpful to use a mouthpiece brush, which you can find at most music stores. [21] X Research source Oil the rotors and valves. Remove the valve caps and apply key oil or rotor oil to the pivot points and bearing shaft. [22] X Research source You’ll know the keys need to be oiled if they stick. [23] X Research source Apply slide grease to the tuning slides. Remove them, put the grease on them, and replace them. [24] X Research source

If you want to take special care you can use brass soap to clean the horn. [26] X Research source Make sure you apply grease to the tuning slides before putting them back on the body of the horn. [27] X Research source