Jetpack - Makes you fly above the train track and lets you grab additional coins. Super Sneakers - Makes you jump higher. Coin Magnet - You’ll attract any nearby coins without having to touch them. 2x Multiplier - Doubles your current score multiplier (e. g. x3 now becomes x6).

If you’re on the left or right lane, you can swipe twice in midair to move across both lanes in one jump.

Hoverboards cost 300 coins each, but you’ll often get them as rewards as well. Save your hoverboards for your really good runs to maximize your score. Don’t waste them to avoid a crash at the start of a run when you can just start over for free instead.

To view the Daily Challenge, tap the Daily Challenge button at the top of the main menu. You only have until the timer runs out to complete the Daily Challenge and earn the reward.

To view your current missions, tap the Missions button on the main menu.

You can revisit this “Friends” tab to check their progress; for every 50 runs they complete, you get 350 coins. From this screen you can also see your Friends’ stats, so you can try to beat their high score.