Hats, socks, shoes, and jewelry count as clothing articles. If you’re wearing too much, take some accessories off before playing; if you’re wearing too few, ask if you can borrow someone’s scarf or hat. This can be a sweaty game, so be sure to play in a well-ventilated area. Open windows (but not curtains!), turn on fans, and have water readily accessible for players who need it. (The referee can serve thirsty players with straws, maybe. ) Don’t be that person: be recently showered and apply deodorant before gameplay.

If you’re playing the game with couples, each couple can be their own team. If you don’t have an equal number of players, ask one person to serve as the referee and official spinner. This may be an ideal job for someone who doesn’t want to play Strip Twister but still wants to participate. If you do have an even number of players, the referee position will rotate amongst the players. If you prefer not to play with teams, each player can play on their own individual team.

If you’re playing with a huge group of people, consider getting 2 Twister mats and dividing players evenly among them. Whether you’re playing regular Twister or Strip Twister, start with your shoes off. You don’t want to break anyone’s hand with your clodhoppers.

If you’re playing Twister with teams, each member of each team will play in each round. While opposing teams cannot occupy the same spot on the mat, members of the same team may share spots as needed. If a player currently has a body part on a color and that color is called again, the player must move to a new circle of that same color. If two players reach for the same circle at the same time, it is up to the referee to decide who got there first. If all six circles of the same color are already covered, the referee must spin again until a new color can be called out.

When removing clothing, the hand or foot must be placed back on the spot it originated from before another hand or foot can be lifted.

If a player falls while removing an article of clothing, they must remove an additional item of clothing as a penalty. Anyone caught cheating in any form will be penalized by having to remove an additional article of clothing.

Players may choose to strip down only to their undergarments or bathing suits. Bathing suit Strip Twister is a great game to play at the beach. Add more opportunities to strip: for instance, players must lose clothing on either red or yellow (or another color of your choosing). To take things to the next level, assign other penalties to certain colors. For example, every time a team lands on blue, they must fake an orgasm or kiss another player.

If you’re playing Strip or Naked Twister with a significant other, try playing on the bed for extra intimacy. Depending on your level of familiarity with your opponent(s), lick, nuzzle, kiss, or tickle the competition to get them to relinquish their spot on the board. Make the game more romantic by turning down the lights and adding some candles. Just make sure not to knock the candles over in the heat of the moment.

Use small shot glasses for drinks; otherwise players may get too drunk too quickly. At best, the game will end really fast. At worst, someone might vomit or get hurt. You can choose to increase the number of shots a player has to take for each slip. For example, after the first slip, they might take 1 shot, after the second, 2 and so on.

In keeping with the theme, the loser of Oily Twister must give the winner a full-body massage.