Normally, all the players in Simon says remain standing for the duration of the playing round. However, you could also play sitting down.

Depending on which way the command is phrased, the group of listeners will either obey the command, or not. Simon eliminates listeners by having them incorrectly obey or not obey commands.

If a listener incorrectly obeys or does not obey Simon’s command, they are eliminated from the rest of the game round, and must sit out until another game round is started.

Touch your toes. [7] X Research source Hop on one foot. Dance around the room. [8] X Research source Do some jumping jacks. Give yourself a hug. [9] X Research source

After Simon gives a command (assuming the command is preceded by, “Simon says…”), perform the command until Simon moves on to the next command. If the next command is not preceded by, “Simon says…” continue to perform or hold the previous command.

For example, much like the basketball game Horse, strikes can spell out H-O-R-S-E. Once a player spells the entire word, they are eliminated. [14] X Research source

Block – All players jump up to block. Dive – All players pretend to dive for a ball. Defense – All players go into their defensive, ready position. [17] X Research source Shuffle – All players would shuffle in the direction indicated by Simon.