If, by any chance, mope. io is unavailable for your area, head to https://mope. io/ instead, which is a mirror site (the “o” is replaced with a “0”).

You can choose any name, such as “Unicorn Lover” or “mope lover. " Remember that your name will save if you play later, but it can still be changed. If you don’t choose a name, the system will automatically name you “mope. io”.

The “Ping [Number]” will tell you the speed. Find a server with the lowest ping because it will be the fastest. Also, remember to take into account the number of players. Some servers have an immense number, so it makes it very hard to survive. Choose a server with around 50-100 people. The fewer people, the easier it is to survive, but it also makes it harder for a predator to eat.

At the bottom-right of the home page, there should be buttons that read “Download at the App Store” and “Download for Android. ” Click on the button that fits your device. Another method is to go to the store, search mope. io, and it should be the first result.

Desert The animals here tend to stay put in the desert and do not go entering other biomes. It’s both good and bad when you are experienced. Basically, it’s a neutral biome. Land This is most likely the biome where most animals play, and it’s probably the most diverse. There’s mud, ponds, etc. and a lot of players, so it’s suggested to choose a grass animal when you’re more experienced. Water Here, it’s probably a good place when you are more mediocre. Enter this biome when you are a jellyfish or higher because you can eat seaweed. It’s not good to start as neither is it good when you are experienced (shark or above). Arctic This is a good place for new to mediocre players. There’s a lot of NPC prey that can be eaten. However, do not enter this biome if you are over seals; there’s not much prey.

You do not need to hold your mouse to move. Your thumbstick isn’t on a specific side of a screen, so you can use your right or left thumb.

Water can be found in a lot of places. There are ponds almost everywhere (even in the desert), so be sure to seek water. There are usually water droplets (blue circles) next to ponds. While you can regenerate water in any body of water, you receive water quicker if you drink the droplets. Fruits also provide water and XP, but not nearly as much in each. If you live in the water biome, you don’t need water unless you exit and head to land. If you are on land, however, you will dehydrate very fast and die if you don’t return to the water.

Look for food with a green outline. This means that you can eat them. Anything outlined in dark blue/dark green/dark grey/dark tan is not edible. No food will hurt you (except for cactuses), just that some you can’t eat. Look for the difference between a dark green circle and a light green circle. They look similar, right? However, you can only eat light or regular green-circled things. Each animal has different things it can eat. A different animal (XP can or cannot matter sometimes; it depends on what biome) might differ from another animal in what it can eat. For example, a jellyfish can eat seaweed while a shrimp cannot. However, animals’ food might also be the same, whereas a jellyfish can eat seaweed but a turtle can, too.

To eat someone, bump into them, and they will lose health, but not all. Continue bumping into them until they lose all their health and you’ll notice that they’re gone and that you’ve gotten more XP. Look for users with a green outline around them. This means that they are prey and can be eaten. Keep in mind though: users with green circles will know that you are a “predator” and that they can be killed. Don’t be surprised if they run. You can only eat green-circled users. If you come across dark blue/dark green/dark grey/dark tan circled users, you are “neutral” with them, meaning that you can’t eat them and they can’t eat you. Red circles mean that they are your predator, which will go more in-depth in the next step. You can’t eat players that are extremely larger than you. While you can eat others that are slightly larger, anything too big will not do any damage.

Hide in burrows or use your ability to run. You won’t die instantly, but you will lose health. You will appear with a green outline on your predator’s screen, symbolizing you as prey, similar to your prey appearing green to you. Don’t be tricked into believing that they won’t notice you! If you are extremely large compared to your predator, they might not be able to harm you, depending on what animal you/they are. However, dodge just in case, as some strong animals may appear small.

Hide in burrows or use your ability to run. You won’t die instantly, but you will lose health. You will appear with a green outline on your predator’s screen, symbolizing you as prey, similar to your prey appearing green to you. Don’t be tricked into believing that they won’t notice you! If you are extremely large compared to your predator, they might not be able to harm you, depending on what animal you/they are. However, dodge just in case, as some strong animals may appear small.

Click and hold your right mouse PC. Your sprint won’t last forever and will wear off after some time. Hold the screen on mobile. Again, it won’t last forever and will wear off.

Mud areas Mud is a brown terrain that when you enter, your animals will be covered in mud. Mud will slow down most animals, and you will receive a notification if you are one of them. However, animals like pigs and chickens move faster in mud (no notification will be given). Mud also regenerates your water. Lakes and water areas Lakes and water areas, similar to mud, slow down specific animals. Most animals that pass through it will notice that their speed has decreased, but animals like hippos and seals will not be slowed down. Your water regenerates when you are in the water, the reason why water animals don’t die of thirst unless they are on land. Lakes spawn ducks and geese, which are NPC prey that can be eaten. Ice Ice areas are terrains in the Arctic biome. Ice can make it hard for some animals to have a good grip and will make some animals have trouble turning. This means that when you turn, you’ll slide. However, animals like seals and penguins and most arctic animals have a better grip on ice. Lava Lava will make you repeatedly lose health for a while when you touch it. Lava will also shoot out small fires, so don’t get too close! Even if you don’t touch it, it may shoot out fire and make you lose health for a long time if you don’t go into a lake.

NPCs won’t run from you until you attack. The trick is to harm them as fast as possible, but if you don’t, they’ll eventually come back and return to normal. Keep in mind that honeybees can sting you when you eat their nectar. However, they do very little damage and adds a lot of XP for you when they’re killed, so take advantage of that.

At a certain amount of XP, you’ll be given more selections of animals to choose from. Understand that more advanced animals will have “powers. " Take the bald eagle, for example. The bald eagle has the ability to capture an animal and bring it on land. There will be more in-depth instructions below. Understand that there are areas where you can use powers. For example, if you’re in the water, you can dive under to dodge predators. There will be more in-depth explanations below.

Stay in the burrow until you are safe. When you’re in the burrow, put your mouse directly above the burrow so you don’t move forward, backward, etc. However, keep in mind you don’t have infinite water/lava/energy and you could die of thirst Even if your prey/predator is in a burrow with you, they/you can’t be harmed.

Keep in mind that you cannot stay under for a very long time. You will find an “air” display that will notify your remaining air, if you run out of air you will surface automatically dead.

Sprinting animals Use your ability when you need to. This means, for example, if you’re catching prey, use it to give you a boost. This will help you catch your prey. Use your ability if you are being chased by a predator. Sprinting will allow you to run faster and find a burrow to hide in to wait for the predator to leave. Flying animals Use this to hunt down prey. If you’re catching someone and they’re running fast, fly, and drop to hurt them. Continue until they’re dead. Use your ability to fly over dangerous areas. For example, if you want to get to the other side of the map, but there are loads of enemies in between, fly over them. Run from predators. They can’t catch you when you are in the air. Flying and catching animals Hunt in the water. Head near the water, find prey, and scoop them up and bring them to land. If it’s a sea animal, it will most likely die of low water, or you’ll be able to eat them. Stinkbomb animals Use this ability to run from predators. Since your stink bomb is released from your back, it won’t affect your prey because they’ll be ahead of you. Burrow animals Use this trick to hide from predators. You’ll automatically create a burrow, and you can hide in there. Other abilities There are countless other abilities, and not all of them can be mentioned here. Most abilities are focused on dodging predators but can also help catch prey.

For example, if you’re being chased, get onto a rock and wait for them to leave. Some passive abilities include climbing specific trees; a notification will pop up if you are under that tree. Press S on PC to climb the tree or the S on mobile.

Try a sea animal when you begin. They usually allow you more protection and can quickly move on to the next animal. Animals such as squids and turtles that can eat seaweed are good choices because they can grow really fast. Don’t choose a land animal when you are still small (unless you select something that can grow quickly, such as a mouse). The land has too many strong predators and very little prey, especially when you’re small, which can make it hard to survive and eat. Avoid the ocean and arctic when you have more XP. Ocean makes prey hard to hunt, which is pretty bad. The arctic doesn’t have a lot of farming options and doesn’t have a lot of prey. Try starting in the desert biome. There are plenty of farming options for you to grow fast. It’s also a good place when you are experienced, too,

Try selecting flying animals. Flying animals allow a quick and easy way to run and catch prey. That being said, it’ll allow you to survive longer. Avoid ground animals when you’re more experienced. Ground animals don’t have very good abilities. Test and test again. Try out some animals, and if you notice that they are bad, pick another one next time.

Remember that only users that can see you will see your message. There is no chat box GUI. Consider joining in with someone neutral to you in case of betrayal.

There’s a difference between dark green and light green. When on land, everyone will have a dark-green tail, but for those you can bite, they’ll have a distinct light-green tail. As long as someone has a light-green tail, you can bite them. This also includes predators and prey. Biting someone’s tail won’t kill them (unless they are low on health), but it will harm them. They’ll lose damage depending on the animal you are. Make sure to bump directly into their tail using your head, not the body. If you don’t use your head, it won’t work. If you don’t bump their tail, it won’t work.

Your health bar is located right above your character and will only appear if you are hurt. Sometimes, it’s alright to take a risk and eat food with high XP. Not everything is considered a “risk”. For example, eating honey and bees give you a lot of XP. However, they can sting you and might tail bite you if you’re not careful. The sting basically just slows you down - just don’t be in the middle of an angry swarm of bees if you’re low health because if they tail bite you, they deal damage and you may die. Keep in mind though that if you are high on health, honeybees do so little damage you can definitely make it out (mostly).