Since you can only view 5 numbers on the display screen, you will need to use the denomination buttons “M” and “K,” which stand for million (M) and thousand (K). ”C” is the clear or cancel button. To restart a game, you will want to use this to adjust the balances on the player cards back to the beginning amount of $15M. You can do this by holding the “C” button until you hear a beep. The arrow button is used when a player passes “GO. ” Insert their card in the left side of the unit and press this button to increase their balance by $2M. The numbers are pretty obvious, and the “. ” is a decimal point, but the “. ” button can also be used to adjust the volume on the banker unit.

Add money by inserting the player card in the slot on the left hand of the banker unit. This is marked with a “+” symbol. Type the amount you wish to deposit to the player’s account. Remove the card once you see the increase in the player’s balance. Subtract funds from a player’s account by inserting their card into the slot on the right side of the banker unit, which is marked with a “-“ symbol. Type in the amount the player owes the bank. Remove the card after you see the amount deducted from their balance.

Insert the paying player’s card in the slot on the right of the banker unit. The card for the player receiving the payment should be placed in the slot on the left of the unit. Leaving both cards in place, enter the amount of the purchase. The balance which was displayed belongs to the payer. Once this balance is reduced by the purchase price, both cards can be removed from the device and returned to the players.

The starting price is set by the first player to make an offer. Issue the title deed to the player who wins the auction.

Roll again to determine the number of spaces you move your token on the board. If you roll a double (the same number on both dice), complete your turn and roll again for a second turn. If you roll another double you get another turn. If you roll three doubles in a row, though, you go to jail.

Pay rent. Pay taxes. Draw a card from the community chest. Go to jail. Purchase the property.

Move to the space instructed on the card in the direction indicated by the arrow. Collect $2 million dollars if you move forward past “Go,” but not if you move backward. If you draw a “Get out of jail free” card, you can sell it to another player at a price you both agree on, or save it for later.

You can be sent to jail by landing on the “Go to jail” space, drawing a “Go to jail” card from the community chest, or rolling three sets of doubles in a row. Your turn is over once you go to jail. On your next turn, you can try 3 times to roll doubles. If you fail, you owe the bank $500 thousand dollars to get out of jail. Once you pay, move your token according to the total of your final roll. Use a “Get out of jail free” card if you have one or offer to buy one from another player. You can still collect rent while in jail. If you simply land on the jail space, you are just visiting and there is no penalty.

If you do not purchase the property, and it is not currently owned by another player, the banker will hold an auction. You can participate in the auction even though you chose not to buy it at the purchase price. Once you own all of the site properties of one color, you have a monopoly and can build on them. You can charge rent from other players who land on your property.

A player who lands on your utility will owe rent determined by the amount they roll on the dice multiplied by 4, then multiplied again by 10,000. If you own both utilities, the rent owed is the player’s dice roll multiplied by 10, then 10,000.

If you have any buildings on properties of the same color, you cannot sell the property until you sell all of the buildings on that same color.

You can sell on your turn or between other player’s turns. You must sell houses in even numbers the same way they were bought.

For instance a hotel can be sold to the bank and you can receive 4 houses from the bank to put on that property.

Sites can’t be sold if there are buildings on any of the sites in that color group. You must first sell those properties to the bank. You cannot sell houses or hotels to other players, only the bank.

Houses can be bought on your turn or between other player’s turns. You must build evenly and can’t add houses to one site until you have built on every site property of that color.

You must continue to build evenly across the sites in that color. No houses can be built on sites of a color where another house is mortgaged on any other site of the same color.

Only one hotel is allowed on each property site.

Turn the property card upside down. This symbolizes that it has been mortgaged. The amount of the mortgage is on the back of the card. You cannot collect rent on a property when it is mortgaged.

Flip the card back over once the mortgage is paid to make the property active again. The mortgage must be paid plus interest of 10% rounded up to the nearest $10,000.

The new owner can take over the 10% interest, or pay it right away to get the property out of mortgage status.

If you owe the bank, the banker take your deeds and auctions any properties you may have had left. Return any “Get out of jail free” cards in your hand to the bottom of the community chest deck. If you end owing another player, they receive your deeds, any “Get out of jail free” cards you have, and the money left on your card.