The way Epic Games makes revenue out of this game is only out of cosmetic items which is basically a change of skins, gliders or harvest tools. In no way does a purchase of one of these cosmetic items improve or give an edge to the player who bought it.

These cosmetic items are just for eye sake and will not have any difference in gameplay because Epic Games knows that would be an unfair advantage and would also have the possibility of breaking the game.

So what is Fortnite Battle Royale? Let me break it down for you to the simplest explanation possible. A flying bus drops you and 99 other players on a map filled with structures, guns and harvestable materials. The player has to use all the provided in-game elements to his/her advantage and make sure that they defeat opposing players when they come across them in the map and ensure that the player is the last man standing. This will give the player a Victory Royale a.k.a they’re the winner of the game.

To do this, of course, everyone needs a little practice to absorb all the parts of the map and what not. But also, some tips will come in handy when playing the game and here we look at some of the same.

#1 Manage your inventory well

Where a lot of players tend to make a mistake in the starting is in the inventory space. Players tend to believe that more guns equal easier combat situations and that in turn will lead them to an easier win. But that is not true. Stacking 5 guns in the given precious inventory space is not necessary.

The best way to fill up the slots is to fill them up with three guns, one explosive and one healing item.

That is to say, a sample ideal inventory would look like this:

1 - Assault rifle/Submachine gun

2 - Shotgun

3 - Sniper rifle

4 - Med kit/Armor potions

5 - Grenades/Rocket launcher

This kind of an inventory would let the player have an easier and more convenient way of dealing with a combat situation.

#2 Optimize your settings

When starting off to play Epic Games’ Fortnite Battle Royale, to attract the player and make sure he plays the game regularly, Epic Games has to make the player see vibrant colours and visually pleasing gameplay. Hence the makers of the game tweak the default settings in such a manner that the game is more on the aesthetically pleasing side rather the optimal performance side.

If you’re a casual player who probably plays one or two games a week, then leaving it at the default settings is the best way to go. But if you’re gonna play to bag the wins and secure a lot of kills then you probably need to tweak your settings in such a way that you get maximum fps and a lag free game. These settings can be slightly adjusted and cross-checked in playground mode to make sure that you have optimized it for gameplay and then the player can jump into their game and wreck some rival players.

#3 Change your key binds

The default key binds that come with the game are actually a little far off from each other and are hard to spam alternatively if a situation arises. Hence we need to change the key binds to shape up our gameplay.

For instance, the default PC key binds for builds are F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5. No one can be fluent in a building battle with these key binds. Hence changing it to some other buttons nearer to the fingers and easier to reach is a wise decision and will help out the player in a lot of combat situations by avoiding the panic and clicking the right buttons.

#4 Combat and loot

Combat and looting are two very important aspects of the game. If a player can master these two elements of the game, then he/she is closer to becoming a professional in Fortnite Battle Royale!

Some things to remember in combat is to always build around you when fighting an opponent. This is because of third party players trying to sneak attack you when the team is engaged in fighting someone else already. Hence building around when fighting is a very good move and can save your heads from several situations. Another important thing is, try to get a height advantage over your opponent because this will give you more sight on him/her.

Also in close combat quarters make sure to use the shotgun when you can, because it packs a lot of damage and can easily tag the enemy player for a major percentage of their health points.

Looting is very essential because without upgrading your weapons and without collecting materials, the next fight situation might not turn out in your favour. But do remember to get done with looting as soon as possible, because there will always be scavengers and also the storm itself to worry about is certain situations.

#5 Learn the locations

Get to know where the loot chests are found and learn where the good loot areas are.

Pick a wise starting location that you’re very familiar with so that starting combat is in your favour even if your inventory is not packed well. Get to know all the building types so that moving around is easier and learn all the nooks and corners of the areas so that you have an advantage over the opponent players in combat situations.

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