Play flip cup with three or more people on each team – 6+ total. The more flippers on each team, the longer the game will be.

If you’re going to play multiple rounds of flip cup, consider playing with beer or another relatively low-alcohol beverage. Flip cup is a fast-paced game, and it can be dangerous to play with liquor. If you don’t drink alcohol, fill your cups with another beverage of choice. For an easier game, fill the cups with something that you like drinking. For a more difficult game, fill the cups with something that’s harder to drink, such as hot sauce.

Make sure that everyone knows which direction the flipping will go. This game is a relay race, and each round of flip cup always begins at one end of the table and ends at the other end. Each player should know which two players are starting the round, and which two players are the “anchors” at the end.

The flipping motion is an act of finesse. You may need to practice your flip many times over in order to get it right. No steadying the cup. Only one hand can touch the cup at one time! Remember: the other team isn’t waiting for you to flip the cup. This is a relay race. If it takes you more than a few tries to execute the flip, then the race may be lost – unless the other team is also taking a while!

The second-place team does not need to finish all of their beers, unless both teams agree that this is the rule. If you’re playing multiple rounds, consider saving the beer for the next round!

Adjust your flipping motion. If you notice that you’re tapping too hard, tap a little lighter. If you notice that you’re tapping too lightly, then go a bit harder.