Fiddlesticks is powerful in a variety of situations, always offering incredible crowd control. He fits in multiple roles and a perfect fit for both casual and competitive ranked players.
Last year’s rework has boosted the popularity of Fiddlesticks massively. Now he possesses a great new scouting tool in the form of an effigy that doubles as a ward and pseudo scanner. His abilities, animations, and gameplay have improved significantly allowing League of Legends players to revive the scary beast in pro play.
He can literally be played anywhere in the game in numerous roles including jungle, mid, support, or even in the top lane. In League of Legends season 11, Fiddlesticks has suddenly gained huge popularity as a jungler after the massive item rework. Here’s a detailed build guide for Jungle Fiddlesticks or “Junglesticks”.
Jungle Fiddlesticks build path and runes in League of Legends.
#1 - Runes
Dark Harvest: Dark Harvest is, currently, the best primary rune for Fiddlesticks. This rune’s main purpose is to bring out good possibilities for one-shots after stacking it throughout the game.
Cheap Shot: Cheap Shot’s bonus true damage easily procs on impaired enemies. Fiddlestick’s new kit has perfect synergy with this rune.
Eyeball Collection: The most common rune option for Junglesticks. It allows bonus AP on every takedown for a maximum of 10, and then bonus AP after 10 takedowns.
Ultimate Hunter: As a jungler, R-Crowstorm is Fiddlesticks’ main ganking ability. Thus, Ultimate Hunter is a great rune option for him, reducing the cooldown on his ultimate.
Approach Velocity: It allows bonus movement speed to Fiddlesticks during occasional teamfights.
#2 - Standard Build Items
Hextech Rocketbelt: Hextech Rocketbelt is the best Mythic item for League of Legends’ Ancient Fear. It provides AP, Health, Ability Haste, an active dash for getting closer to the enemies, and 50% bonus MS towards enemy champions for 2 seconds. It perfectly synergies with Fiddlesticks’ R.
Zhonya’s Hourglass: Zhonya’s Hourglass is a compulsory core item for Junglesticks. It comes very handy during ganks and teamfights as it perfectly synergies with Fiddlesticks’ ultimate. This item has been one of Fiddlesticks’ regulars since the champion’s release in 2009.
Sorcerer’s Shoes: It is the second essential core item for Fiddlesticks to have in his build path. The Sorcerer’s Shoes provide Fiddlesticks more MS and Magic Penetration, useful for chasing down opponents.
Morellonomicon: For the third core item, Morellonomicon is a good pick for Fiddlesticks. It gives him AP, Health, Magic Penetration, and a great anti-heal passive boosting if the enemy champion is below 50% HP.
Rabadon’s Deathcap: This is a good fourth item for Fiddlesticks. It provides 120 AP and a 35% increased AP, which is immensely powerful.
Demonic Embrace: The Demonic Embrace is a great passive item that grants Fiddlesticks 10 Armor and MR, increasing by 2.5 for each enemy he recently hit. This item is effective against tanks as well, for the burning damages it provides.
#3 - Starting Items
Hailblade. Control Ward.
#4 - Summoners Spells
Chilling SmiteFlash
The preferred jungle route for Fiddlesticks to follow
The following route is a good jungling path for Fiddlesticks:
Red BramblebackRaptors’ CampWolves’ CampBlue SentinelGrompRift ScuttlerGank in a side lane
An efficient way to clear the jungle by Fiddlesticks is to simultaneously take down the Red Buff and Raptors. Similarly, Blue Buff and Gromp can be targeted together to save time and resources.
According to the League of Legends lore,
Yes, Fiddlesticks returned to League of Legends with a fresh look, improvised kit, and powerful gameplay mechanics. Going by the champion’s versatility, and Riot Games’ ever-increasing concern for the Ancient fear, it won’t come as a surprise to the community to see Fiddlesticks in pro-play soon.
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