Official Cornhole goal boards are 2 by 4 feet (0. 61 by 1. 22 m), with a hole 6 inches (15. 24 cm) wide centered 9 inches (22. 9 cm) from the top of the board. Larger or smaller boards might not work as well. Bean bags larger or smaller than 6 inches by 6 inches (15. 24 cm by 15. 24 cm) may make the game too difficult or too easy. You can frequently find and buy pre-made Cornhole games at general retailers, sports stores, and sporting goods stores.

You may want to orient your playing area to face north and south. This way, the sun will have less of a negative impact on play. [2] X Research source

The rules of Cornhole are relatively simple. If you’re in need of players for your game, even complete beginners can pick it up quickly and enjoy playing. [3] X Research source

All throws should be made from behind the front of the board in an imaginary 3-foot ( . 91 m) wide pitcher’s box that extends the entire length of both sides of the board. Bean bags that make it through the hole in the other team’s goal board are worth three points. Bags that touch and remain on the board earn a single point. Bags knocked into the hole by another bag are also worth three points. [4] X Research source

Although a judge is recommended for serious players and tournaments, a judge is not required to play this game.

If you lack a coin, you can play Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine the starting team instead.

When using tall arc tosses, be sure to account for the wind, as it can have a significant effect on these throws. Low arc tosses generally have more horizontal speed, resulting in more forward momentum. This can help your bag slide up the goal board into the hole. Avoid throwing a bag higher than 5 - 10 feet (1. 5 - 5. 8 m). Tosses outside of this range suffer from decreased accuracy. [6] X Research source

In official games, all players are expected to make each throw in under 20 seconds. Taking longer will also result in a foul. You must always throw bean bags underhand. Overhand throws and side throws common in Frisbee are considered fouls. As soon as a foul is committed, the foul bag should be removed from the board if necessary. Return any bags affected by the foul bag to their pre-foul positions. [7] X Research source

For example, if in a single inning Team A scored five points and Team B scored three points, the end score of that inning would be two points in Team A’s favor. [9] X Research source

Continue playing innings until a team reaches 21 points. When that happens, the game is finished. [10] X Research source

Landing bags on the goal board will create obstacles for your opponent. This can be a useful tactic for blocking points. [11] X Research source

As you release the bag, allow your index and middle fingers to stay in contact with the bag slightly longer than the others to help generate spin. [13] X Research source You must use an underhanded release in Cornhole. Even though the side throw common with Frisbees feels natural for putting a spin on the bag, it is illegal.

For the most consistent throw, try to keep your feet positioned the same every throw. A starting position with both feet close together is strong. [14] X Research source

Deep breathing exercises. Take a deep, full breath while counting to five, hold it for a five count, then release the breath on a five count. Muscle relaxation exercises. Tighten and release each muscle or muscle group for six seconds, starting from the top of your body and working your way down. [15] X Research source