Consider getting Prime Matchmaking. This requires you to level up to level 21 and activate a 2-step verification with a phone, however you will meet fewer hackers and “smurfs” this way. Casual also allows you to learn the main routes to get to the bomb site, meaning you will have more knowledge for the map.

If your mousepad isn’t big enough, a bigger one may be necessary, there are many places to get a 36 by 42 cm mousepad.

You only need to learn the first 6-7 bullets, as they are the only bullets that change vertically, the rest go left and right randomly, however with it going up, you need to know how far to lower your weapon to get optimal headshot range. Consider downloading a practice map off the workshop, they can be a good way to warm and practice your shots.

If you type “cl_showpos 1” into console, then it tells you what Y coordinate you are related to the head, 0. 00 being head height.

In addition, you should know common economical call-outs. A “full-save” is where your team buy absolutely nothing, to save all your money for the next round. This is uncommon, most often seen if CT’s win the first round, buy, and lose the second round. A “half-save” or “half-buy” is where you buy with about half of your money, so what you buy depends on your money. If you only have two or three thousand, buy armor and a pistol such as the P250 or Tec-9. If you have 5-6 thousand, you can consider buying a lower tier SMG or an SSG. An “anti-eco” round is a round in which you know the other team will be saving, so it would be unwise to buy powerful guns like AKs. As such, you should buy armor better at dispatching unarmored foes, such as the Mac-10 or UMP. A “full buy round” is a round in which you spend all or most of your money for this round, buying utilities like smokes and flashes.

In Game Leader or IGL is the one who calls the plays. They can also be any of the other roles, as this is only really during the beginning of the round, and the rest is watching your and the other team’s economy to make sure you know what to do next. The entry-fragger. This player’s point is to be the first one who goes into confrontations and gets the damage. Getting kills is good, but not absolutely necessary, as their main roles is to do significant damage onto lots of people so that the support player can mop up the kills, as well as get the information as to where the other team is. This person should always be given a rifle, even if they cannot afford it, and will die a lot with few kills, so their scoreboard rank may not be the best. The Support. This person follows quickly behind the entry-fragger. They have 2 main roles. They are there to provide utility to the entry, by flashing them in, providing a smoke if they need to get away, or watching their back while the fragger rushes in. The other role is to clean up the people the fragger has tagged. The person needs to be accurate, maybe even more than the entry-fragger, as the support needs to be able to hit the shots, as if this player dies, you have few people left that can easily kill them. The AWPer. As the name suggests, this person carries an AWP and uses it to either pick long or hold angles. Before that, they need to understand the economy. The AWP costs 4750 to buy, which unless you win every round including the anti-eco without dying, isn’t going to be in a lot of people’s price range, so they are going to need to save a lot in the first few rounds. This person, instead of buying a M4 or AK in the anti-eco, will often buy a FAMAS or Galil to save money. If they are on the CT side, they often won’t buy a helmet or grenades either, to save even more money. Once they have an AWP, this person looks down mid, or the middle of any map. This is not only to get kills, but to see how many people are going to each site as well. This information can change your strategy depending on how many people are going to each site. The lurker. This person is one who goes alone, walking, to other parts of the map to try to catch people rotating to the bomb, or from site to site. This person normally excels in the mid to late round game, as people are either rushing to get to the bomb, or rushing to get away from it, not checking every corner.

If you lose the pistol round, but planted the bomb, make your goal to be able to buy fully in the third round. You cannot buy effectively the second round, so it’s wiser to save all your money, saving a smoke or two, as you will get a combined 3500 from losing two rounds in a row. You will also have an extra 800 from getting the bomb down, bringing your total to 4300, which is enough to buy armor and a helmet, an AK, and quite a few grenades, like a smoke or a Molotov and a flashbang. For this round, focus on getting the bomb planted and stealing a few guns. Everyone should be a in wolf pack, save the lurker, maybe, and go for picks while rushing on a bomb site. If you kill one, take their rifle and try to keep it until the next round, as you will benefit your economy when you don’t need to buy a new gun. Get the bomb down early, as the extra 800 will give you a full set of grenades, or even the AWP player an AWP to look mid with, provided they don’t buy armor. Losing this round isn’t a huge deal, as you can buy on the third round regardless, but it would be a nice bonus. If you lost the pistol round and did not get a bomb plant, you need to force buy. Since you received 1400 from losing, and whatever, if any, money you had left from the pistol round, the only supplies you can buy is armor and a pistol, preferably the Tec-9 or P250, due to their one shot capacities. You need a win here, otherwise you will be saving for 2 more rounds, which are hard, but not impossible to win on. You need to get early kills to pick up rifles, as they will be your saving grace when defending the bomb site. Plant the bomb if you can, but don’t take unnecessary risks in doing so. Getting the win is everything, and since most people will have pistols, saving isn’t that important except for the armor. Losing here sets you back miles, forcing you to save for two more rounds at least.

If you lost the first round, but got bomb planted on the second round, this is you chance to make a come back. Buy up armor and AKs, and grenades if you can afford them. If you lost both rounds without a bomb plant, you will have to save.

This is where people can start buying depending on their roles. The AWPer and buy his AWP, support and lurker start buying up on grenades, as well as the lead player can start buying his flashes. Knowing where you are on your team will determine what to buy here.

There are some exceptions to this rule, such as on Cobblestone, in which you will probably want to consider putting 3-4 people B site, as it is an easy and common site for T’s to take, and is nearly impossible to hold with just 2 players on the pistol round.

Be careful not to over-commit to a bombsite. In higher-level play, the T’s may rush 2-3 players one bomb site to force you to rotate, and then send the bomb and the remaining players to the other bombsite. Until you can see bomb on the minimap, don’t completely abandon a site.

If you did not win, you are most likely going to lose the next few rounds. You have to save up more than the Terrorists, as their supplies cost significantly less than yours. You mainly are looking for a few kills that will force the Terrorists to buy armor again, wasting their economy, and sneaking a weapon or two away if you can. You can try to buy light the third round, with Famas and SMGs, however if you lose that round, you have to save again until round 5. Your main goal is to be able to buy fully by the 4th round.