Keep in mind that you may move up, down, or to the side, but not diagonally in Clue. Miss Scarlet always goes first in Clue, so whoever is using her game token will roll the dice first and then play passes to the left.

If you get blocked in a room, then you will have to wait until your next turn to see if the path is clear and try to leave the room.

For example, you might suggest that it was Colonel Mustard in the study with the lead pipe. Your fellow players would then search their cards for this suspect, room, and weapon. The player to your left would be the first to reveal one of these card to you if it is in his or her hand. Your fellow players would all take turns showing you one card from their hands if they have any of the cards you suggested. You would then check off the cards that players showed you to eliminate some more possibilities.

There are no limits on the number of suspects or weapons that you may have in one room at one time.

Keep in mind that you may only make one accusation per game. If you are wrong, then you have lost the game. You will have to return the cards to the envelope and continue revealing your cards to other players, but you may not make another accusation.

Up to six people can play Clue and they will all need to be able to access the board to move their character pawns.

For example, if a player has Mrs. Peacock, a candlestick, and the kitchen in her hand, then these cannot be in the envelope. That player would want to check those items off of his or her list to rule them out.

You may look at your cards, but do not show your cards to any of the other players.