If you want to throw together a quick game, cut two 2ftx4ft (. 6mx1. 2m) pieces of cardboard for makeshift boards. Cut a hole near one end of each board that is six inches (15 cm) in diameter. Prop the boards up so the hole end is six or eight inches (20 cm) off of the ground.

Regulation rules state that boards should be 45 feet apart, but casual players may opt for closer to 30 feet (9 m) apart. For younger players, set the boards 10-15 feet apart.

Designate a bean bag color for each team. For singles, each player should have four bags of the same color. For doubles, each team should have four bags of the same color.

Bags that hit the ground before they hit the board do not count. If the bag is hanging on the edge of the board and touching the ground, it doesn’t count. Players aim to get bags in the hole, but they also get points for bags that land on the board.

For example, one team uses blue bags and one team uses red bags. The blue team gets two bags on the board and two bags in the hole for a total of eight points. The red team gets one on the board and one in the hole for a total of four points. Subtract four (red team) from eight (blue team) and the blue team scores four points that round.

Players who know their opponent is over 21 often throw their bags away from the board on purpose to make their opponent bust.

Have bonuses for getting a bean bag to land on one of the steps. This works great for one kid, who can try to beat their own score each time, or let multiple kids play to see who gets the highest score. Make more or less point cards depending on how many steps the ladder has.

Make a line a few feet from the grid that players have to stand behind to add a challenge to the game.

This game allows for many variations such as using their non-dominant hand, closing one eye, throwing it over their head at the bucket behind them, or simply standing at farther distances. If you don’t have a bucket, use a box or any other container that some bean bags will fit in.

This is a fun way to practice reading skills and also get them active. This game can be modified by changing the cards to fit any type of learning you need. Make flashcards with math problems on them or pictures to work on recognition.