Part of what helps Valorant stand out is the Agents. Each character has a unique set of abilities that set them apart. For the most part, those abilities are complementary to both the skill of the player and the teammates, meaning, in the end, its the gunplay that still wins the day and gets the kills. Still, properly using the abilities in each round can be the difference between victory and defeat.

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There are four types of Agents in Valorant, that being Duelist, Initiator, Sentinel, and Controllers. The wind manipulator Jett is a Duelist, meaning she likes to push forward and attack. In the right hands, she can absolutely be one of the most deadly Agents in Valorant.

How to Play as Jett in Valorant

All Agents in Valorant have four abilities. Without anyone changing their keybindings on a keyboard and mouse, these abilities are set to Q, E, C, and finally X (the Agent’s ultimate). As the game is still in beta stage Riot Games has already tinkered with the abilities of Raze and Sage after player feedback.

For Jett, her abilities are as follows:

Q - Updraft: Instantly propel Jett high into the air.

E - Tailwind: Instantly propel Jett in the direction she is moving/facing.

C- Cloudburst: Instantly throw a projectile that expands into a brief vision-blocking cloud on impact with a surface.

X- Bladestorm (ultimate): Equip a set of highly accurate knives that recharge on killing an opponent.

In between every round, players will start with their “E” ability charged up, in this case for Jett, Tailwind. They can spend credits (that are earned in each round for performance) on additional abilities such as Updraft and Cloudburst, or in the case of this hilarious game-winning kill in Valorant, a Shock Bolt for Sova. The ultimate ability, Bladestorm, cannot be purchased with credits but instead is earned over time in each round.

Jett is an amazing character to master for those who are quick on the keyboard. Her Tailwind ability can be used frequently to get out of tight situations, or to trick an opponent by dashing across their screen with speed, only to start shooting them from the side. Many Jett users combine Updraft with Tailwind to disorient their opponents with quick swift movements. Players are still just learning the ins and outs of Valorant, but Jett’s speed is giving them an advantage.

Cloudburst is similar to a few other abilities that some Agents have, including Dark Cover for Omen and Sky Smoke for Brimstone. Cloudburst drops a sphere of vision blocking smoke into an area that Jett designates, which is great for both slowing an opponent down for a moment, or for pairing up with Updraft and Tailwind to start an aggressive flank.

The Bladestorm ultimate may be one of the best in the game. Many of the ultimates in Valorant are one and done, and while they may be devastating, don’t guarantee multiple kills. If someone is accurate with the mouse, or eventually with a controller, as Valorant may come to consoles, Bladestorm can be used to literally wipe out an entire team. Additionally, players can hit the alternate fire button to throw all remaining daggers at once for a powerful attack.

Many fans are banging down the doors of Riot Games to get their beta code, as watching countless hours of Twitch to get the beta is easier said than done. But most are not complaining about the game once they get that magical code, and Jett is quickly becoming one of the go-to Agents for her speed, creative abilities, and deadly ultimate.

Valorant is in closed beta for PC.

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