For example purposes, we’ll be using a program called Audacity that is free, easy to use, and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. [2] X Research source You can download Audacity here. Other free audio-editing programs should work similarly.

You can also hit Ctrl+Shift+I as a shortcut.

Audacity supports many file formats, including . wav, . mp3, . ogg, and AIFF. If you have an audio file that isn’t supported, consider converting it.

To make a very precise selection, it can be helpful to zoom in on the waveform. To do this, use your middle mouse button or left-click on the narrow scale bar at the left end of the waveform (which shows 1. 0 to -1. 0 by default. ) Right click to zoom out. If you want to reverse the entire song, click Edit > Select > All or simply hit Ctrl+A to select the entire waveform.

Note that, by default, only the highlighted portion of a song will play when you hit the play button in Audacity. If none of the song is highlighted, the song will play from the beginning.

While mp3-reverser. com is quick and easy to use, there are other online programs that can reverse songs for you as well. You can find these with a simple search engine query like “reverse a song” or “reverse an mp3. " MP3 is a very common audio codec — most songs that you download will already be in this format. If the song you want to reverse isn’t an MP3, try an online format converter like online-convert. com. [4] X Research source

While mp3-reverser. com is quick and easy to use, there are other online programs that can reverse songs for you as well. You can find these with a simple search engine query like “reverse a song” or “reverse an mp3. " MP3 is a very common audio codec — most songs that you download will already be in this format. If the song you want to reverse isn’t an MP3, try an online format converter like online-convert. com. [4] X Research source

Note that, depending on the size of your file and the quality of your internet connection, this process can take several minutes.

If your file doesn’t convert successfully, an error message will appear in red text. The most common reason for problems is that the file is not in MP3 format.

There are many ways to rip the audio from a CD — perhaps the easiest involve using a program like iTunes to do the ripping automatically. It’s worth mentioning that if you insert an audio CD into most modern computers, you’ll automatically be presented with options for importing the files. Simply click one of these to get started.

Cut a styrofoam cup in half or grab a roll of duct tape. Place it in the center of your turntable around the spindle. Fix a soda straw to the spindle to extend it. Remove the headshell from the tone arm, then remove the cartridge. Re-attach the cartridge so that it points up away from the platter, then re-attach the headshell. Start the record and let the needle rise up into the groove. You may need to adjust the counterweight for this to work. This video serves as a good visual guide for how to modify your turntable.

While this method is easy, it’s very difficult to get the same sort of audio quality with this method that you ordinarily would — for instance, it’s almost impossible to maintain a consistent speed for any length of time if you’re just using your hands to turn the record.

Rewind the tape all the way. The full spool should be on your left after rewinding. Disassemble the plastic case. You will probably need a jeweler’s screwdriver for this. Take note of the path the tape takes through the rollers — you will need to replicate it. Carefully take the tape spools out of the cassette. Do not flip them. Turn the spools around so that the full spool is on the right. Do this without flipping your spools over — you just want to move the spools while keeping them flat. If you flip the spools over, you’ll just be playing side B when you reassemble the cassette. Mount the spools back in the cassette once again. Carefully thread the tape past all of the rollers so that it is exactly as you first found it. This is important — if the tape doesn’t take the same path as before, it can be irreversibly damaged. Reassemble the cassette and rewind it so that the tape is spooled on the left. You can do this by hand if you’re worried about damaging the tape. When you’re ready, play the cassette as normal.