Start out small. You may want to plant a ton of different vegetables but if you are just starting out gardening you should really focus your energy on just a few. [2] X Research source Growing vegetables can be more of a time commitment than people expect, so begin gradually so you don’t get overwhelmed. Once you are an experienced gardener, you may be able to replicate the climate of other regions in order to grow any vegetables you like. However, when you are just starting out, planting vegetables that are difficult to grow in your region will most likely just be frustrating and unfruitful.

You do not necessarily have to plant vegetables directly in the ground. Planting veggies in pots can be very successful for a wide variety of plants and it does not require a lot of space. [4] X Research source There are benefits to container gardening. For instance you can easily move the plants to a new location if they are not happy where you initially place them and the soil in the pot usually develops fewer weeds. On the downside, however, plants in containers usually need to be watered more often and are more vulnerable to cold and hot temperatures, as a pot changes temperature much more easily than the ground.

Some plants are difficult to grow from seed. Plants with long germination periods, such as cilantro, can be difficult for home gardeners to cultivate. Consider investing in the added cost of vegetable starts for plants such as this. Many plants, including lettuce, are actually easier to grow from seed. This is especially the case for plants, such as carrots, that don’t do well with being transplanted. For plants like this, it makes sense to sew the seeds directly into the ground or in biodegradable seed starting pots that can go right into the ground once the plant sprouts. [6] X Research source

Consider whether you want organic or non-GMO veggie starts or seeds. While some people do not have a problem with genetic modification or pesticides, others do not want these kinds of processes involved in the propagation of their food. It’s up to you. You can also get good quality seeds and plants from springtime farmer’s markets, seed swaps hosted by local organizations, and online seed catalog companies.

After assessing the soil, add some compost to it. Compost adds organic matter that breaks down and basically becomes food for your plant.

Remember that some plants can only grow in one direction, meaning that a certain part of the seed or clove needs to be facing up in order for it to grow properly. For instance, garlic cloves have a top and bottom. When planting garlic you need to face the pointy side up in order for it to grow. [9] X Research source

If you are starting plants from seeds outdoors, keep the water consistently moist until the plants come up. As they grow, you can reduce the watering frequency to once or twice per week.

To deter weeds from growing, consider mulching around your veggies. [11] X Research source The little bit of effort it takes to mulch will pay off when you are not repeatedly weeding around your plants. Some vegetable plants need to be fertilized during the growing season to ensure harvest because they absorb large amounts of nutrients from the soil. Make sure that you’re aware of your plants’ specific feeding requirements.