Soaking your seeds will remove the thin layer of pulp surrounding them. If you leave this layer on, they may not germinate properly.

Try to use sheets that are about 4 in (10 cm) long. If you have a lot of seeds, you may need to use multiple sheets.

If you have multiple paper towel packages, make sure you use a different plastic bag for each of them.

In most cases, your seeds should take between 3 and 4 weeks to fully germinate. You can remove your seeds as soon as you see their stem strands. You don’t have to wait for them to grow to a specific length.

. 5 US gal (1,900 ml) of milled peat . 5 US gal (1,900 ml) of perlite or vermiculite 1 cup (240 ml) of clave sand . 5 US gal (1,900 ml) of rotted compost or humus 3 US tbsp (44 ml) of slow release fertilizer

For the best results, moisten your soil with bottled spring water or rain water.

If you’d like, purchase a starting tray with cell inserts so you can plant each of your seeds in an individual cell.

Angel Trumpet seeds need lots of sunlight to grow, so make sure they stay close to the surface of the tray.

Growing time will vary. Your seeds may sprout after just 2 or 3 weeks, or they make take months to grow.

If your Angel Trumpets become fungal, dust the starting mix with an organic fungicide like Actinovate. Try to give your Angel Trumpets access to as much sunlight as possible without keeping them in areas of extreme heat.

To make sure they have enough space, use a separate container for each Angel Trumpet plant.

If your plants start to discolor, apply neem oil to their leaves and stems. This will help eradicate any bug infestations.