Your planting area doesn’t have to be in the shape of a rectangle. An oval or circle also works well for bamboo. An oval should be at least 3 ft (1 meter) wide at its widest point and at least 10 ft (3 meters) long. A circle should be at least 10 ft in diameter. If you’re planting in a container, choose it based on how wide you want the bamboo to grow. The planter should be at least 3 feet (1 meter) wide and 5 feet (1. 5 meters) long. You can set several containers next to one another to extend the length of the planting area.

Bamboo is pretty hardy, so you can use your favorite potting soil for this step.

If you decide to plant in a planter, you can follow the same directions as planting in soil – just make sure you place each plant in the center of the planter.

You should use only enough organic material to cover about 1 inch (2. 5 cm) of the hole.

Bamboo grows best in loose soil, so don’t pack the soil in as you would with other plants.

The type of much you use doesn’t matter, as long as you are using an organic mulch.

If the soil looks brown or dry, your bamboo isn’t getting enough water.

Choose how much of the bamboo you want to remove, and then dig down into the soil until you reach the rhizome for that section. Drive a sharp shovel into the rhizome to make a break in the rhizome. You might need to pour some water onto the rhizome to make it easier to break up. Pull the separated section of bamboo apart with your hands and remove it from the hole. Fill the soil back in by the existing bamboo, making sure to water the area. Then replant the section of bamboo you removed in a new area, following the directions above.

Fungal spots. This problem usually affects older plants, and the best solution is to cut away the old growth to make way for the new growth. Sooty mold. This is due to the secretions of sucking pests, such as aphids. If you notice this problem, then you will need to do several applications of insecticide soap until the problem resolves. Root rot. This can kill the entire plant if it is not taken care of. If you notice that the roots are rotting, then you will need to cut away the plant from the roots and repot it. Bamboo mosaic virus. This disease will likely kill your plant no matter what you do, but you can prolong the life of your bamboo plant by pruning it frequently.