If you are gaining weight after an illness it helps to eat bland and easy to digest foods such as eggs and smoothies. Eggs are an especially good choice because they are cheap and you can prepare them in lots of different ways. Also, try to eat at least 5 ounces (150 g) of meat every day. Avoid raw fish if your immune system is compromised.

Eating just a little bit more also means that you do not have to spend a lot of extra money on food. You would simply make a little bit extra for every meal you prepare.

Calories count but so do nutrients. Make sure your diet is balanced and that you are getting all the right vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It helps to start with nutritious foods and then load them up with calories by adding yogurt, nuts and healthy fats. [5] X Trustworthy Source FamilyDoctor. org Family-focused medical advice site run by the American Academy of Family Doctors Go to source Make sure you eat protein with every meal if you are trying to build muscle. Try not to eat carbohydrates alone. You should also eat fruit and vegetables with every meal. Although they are low in calories they provide essential vitamins and minerals. If you buy fruits and vegetables on sale then you do not have to spend a lot of extra money to purchase them. Although junk food is cheap, you can also enjoy healthy, nutritious food without spending a lot of money. By freezing food, buying products that are on sale and choosing options that are lower in cost you can gain weight on a budget.

Even if you do not want to build muscle mass, you still need frequent healthy snacks before and after training to help you gain weight. You can do body-weight resistance training to avoid paying gym membership fees. There are many exercises that require only your body and a little space to complete to help you train and build muscle.

Try not to drink water immediately before eating because this can fill up your stomach and cause you to eat less. Fruits are sweet and can stimulate your appetite. Try blending some fruits with other nutritive foods like yogurt into a smoothie.

Plant fats such as nuts, peanuts, seeds, peanut butter, avocado, hummus and oils are healthy and high in nutrients and calories. Plant-based fats are also often cheaper than animal fats and so are good for your budget.

Eat nuts, peanuts, seeds, peanut butter, avocado, and hummus. These foods are also generally inexpensive to purchase or make from scratch at home. Add healthy oils such as olive and canola oil on top of your food. You can usually buy a large container which will be cheaper per ounce if you buy in bulk. Add it on top of your meals such as on vegetables and salads. Eggs are also usually cheap and a good option for adding calories and protein to your diet. Potatoes, oats and bananas are dense calorie heavy foods that are great to add to your diet. Potatoes and oats are foods that work well with a variety of toppings.

Dairy products will also provide protein, calcium and vitamin D.

You can also purchase a large bag of brown rice and other grains, which should last you several weeks.

Greek yogurt is very simple to make from scratch. You can use the extra whey to add flavor and calories to other meals such as bread, smoothies, pancakes or even as a nutritional drink (although the taste may not be wonderful as a drink).

At some stores and roadside stands, you can buy fruits and vegetables on bulk to save money. Cut up whatever you don’t think you will use before they go bad and freeze them.

Eat unsalted peanuts to reduce your sodium intake, which can raise your blood pressure. If you can find other kinds of nuts on sale, these are great ways to add protein, fiber, healthy fat and calories.