Make sure to go over the budget and planning with the other parents carefully so that each side can pay for things equally. Or you can split it up by duties; they can organize food and you can make the decorations. Just make sure that things are done fairly so that they’ll want to do another joint party with you the following year.

If it’s summer, the community pool is a great option for inexpensive fun. Museums are exciting and educational for younger kids who have inquisitive minds. Having it in the home allows for ease of mind in terms of safety because of the controlled environment. It also means more work to prepare everything for the big day.

Just because your child doesn’t want someone to come, it doesn’t always mean they shouldn’t be invited to the party. If one of the kids in the class is always being left out then make sure to include them. How would you feel if it was your child being excluded from everything? Kids sometimes don’t realize how their decisions impact others; this is a great time to teach them how to empathize with the people around them.

Also, provide your phone number and an RSVP date. That way you’ll know who can and can’t come so you can buy enough materials and food for everyone. Mention anything guests will need to bring, such as a swimsuit and towel if the party is at a pool.

There are some great meals that can be made in bulk, which cuts down on the cost. You could provide spaghetti, chili dogs, or a taco bar. Be sure to ask your child which one they would prefer. [4] X Research source

If you do this, make sure the meal is as fun and exciting as what’s being offered to everyone else; you don’t want them to feel excluded because of their allergy. This will mean buying some new cookware and dishware so that there is no possibility of there being contaminants in the food. Clean your house thoroughly and wipe down anything the children might touch or climb on if they’re allergic to materials that you use on a daily basis. If a child has a severe enough allergy, their parents might send them with an EpiPen. Make sure you know how to use one of these just in case of an emergency.

Fruit is also a sweet alternative to candy. Make sure to cut up all produce into small pieces if the party is for children under the age of five.

Libraries are also good resources for finding affordable fun for the group. [5] X Research source

Making a costume is a great option as well.