A 14 gauge sterile piercing needle, a 14 gauge belly button ring made from stainless steel, titanium or bioplast, some rubbing alcohol or alcohol wipes, a body ink marker, a piercing clamp and some cotton balls. Using a sewing needle, safety pin or piercing gun to pierce your belly button is a bad idea, as these items are unsafe and will not produce good results.

You can do this by submerging the items in rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and leaving them to sit in the liquid for a minute or two. Remove them from the liquid (wearing clean latex gloves, if possible) and leave them on a clean piece of paper towel to dry completely.

Generously apply the disinfectant or rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball and wipe thoroughly around the area to be pierced. Wait for the area to dry completely before proceeding. If you are using rubbing alcohol, it’s important to use one with a concentration of above 70% isopropanol, to achieve the necessary level of disinfection. If necessary, use a Q-Tip or other similar device to get inside your navel. Make sure to clean both above and below the piercing site.

Belly button piercings are typically located at the top of the belly button, rather than the bottom, but the choice is yours. Use a small hand-held mirror to check if the two marks are aligned horizontally and vertically. Only do this while standing, as your stomach scrunches up when sitting and will not give you a straight pierce.

However, it is important to be aware that numbing the area with ice will also make the skin tough and rubbery, making it harder to push the piercing needle through. Alternatively, you can apply a little numbing gel (such as those used for numbing gums before injections) to the area using a q-tip.

The entrance point you marked with the body ink should be centered in the bottom half of the clamp, while the exit point should be centered on the top half. Make sure to hold the clamp with your weaker hand, as you want the stronger, steadier one holding the needle.

Never pierce from the top down. You need to be able to see where your needle is going and you can’t do this if you’re piercing downwards. The best way to pierce is while standing up, as this will give you the most mobility and allow you to see what you’re doing. However, if you’re concerned about fainting, pierce while lying down (not sitting!). Don’t be concerned if the piercing bleeds a little – this is totally normal. Just wipe away the blood with a clean q-tip dipped in saline solution.

Refrain from pulling the needle out to soon, before the jewelry is fully through! Take the loose ball and screw it tightly onto the top of the belly button ring. Tah-dah! Your belly button is pierced!

This is the first day of your cleaning regimen and arguably the most important. Take a few minutes to be thorough. Don’t tug at your new piercing. Clean it and leave it alone to heal. Touching it or playing with it will only lead to infection, which is the last thing you want.

Dip a q-tip in the solution and use it to carefully clean around both ends of the piercing. Gently push the jewelry from one side to the other in order to clean the ring as well.

Some professionals advocate a stringent care routine for up to 4-6 months. After 2 months, assess how your piercing is doing. Don’t mess with it! Allow it to heal before you go changing rings. You may replace the balls, but don’t touch the barbel. This will not only inflict pain but also slow the healing process.

If you don’t see an improvement within 24 hours, consult your doctor. If a doctor isn’t an option, see a professional piercing artist. They will help you adjust your care routine and give you professional products. Never take the belly button ring out when dealing with an infection - this only runs the risk of the infection becoming trapped inside the piercing.