Most puppies at pet stores have been weaned too early, so they never get the chance to learn how to act from their mother or their litter mates. A pup that is weaned at five or six weeks and shipped to a pet store will have had no guidance from their mother or from a reputable breeder. Without this guidance, there’s a good chance the pup will become fearful or aggressive, rather than a man’s best friend. You should also know that puppies sold in pet shops were born most of the time in puppy mills (the adult dogs stay in cages all their lives !) and in awful conditions. Do not buy those puppies if you want to put an end to such horrible practices.

Bring the most practical member of the family with you or a friend you trust. It helps to have someone evaluate the pups with you, as it is a big life decision. Before the pups are born, keep in contact with the breeder. The breeder should then keep in touch to let you know how the mother is doing and when she expects the litter to be born.

The mother of the pup will have a big impact on your pup’s health and personality. A poor mother will likely produce a weak litter, even with a strong sire, or father. So its important to spend time with the mother of the pups before the litter is born and talk to the breeder about the health of the mother dog.

If you seek out a reputable breeder and spend time at their facility, you should now have a pretty good rapport with the breeder. So you can count on her to help you narrow down your choices in the litter. The breeder has watched the puppies grow. So she will know which pups are dominant or more of a handful, and which ones are shy or mischievous. During your visit, don’t be afraid to ask for the breeder’s opinion about the litter. But, make sure you also do your own checks on the puppies to confirm their health and personality.

Make sure the puppies are friendly, curious, and trusting around their litter mates and around you. They should crowd at your feet, tug your shoelaces, crawl into your lap, and stare at you. They may even start playing with you and/or begin wrestling with each other. If there are four puppies and three of them run away or bark suspiciously at you, you may not find the right pup for you in this litter. The fourth puppy, though not aggressive or fearful, may be too shy. Shyness and distrust could be in the pup’s genes, and this could lead to an anti-social personality when the pup becomes an adult. Don’t let the breeder laugh off the puppies’ shy or aggressive personalities. If the puppies appear too aggressive or too shy, this may be a sign the breeder has not done a great job of breeding them. The breeder should have socialized the puppies so they are comfortable around people. Avoid buying the largest or smallest puppy in the litter. Instead, look at the litter size – generally, the more puppies in the litter, the healthier they will be. [7] X Research source

The Bully: the bully pup may seem very social and interactive at first. But notice if she steals toys from other puppies or plays rough. She may also try to scale the enclosure or climb on the backs of her litter mates. These are signs of determination, smarts, and will power, but the bully personality may not fit your home life. You will need to have lots of time to challenge and take care of this puppy. So if you have other demands on your time or a lot of stress in your home life, the bully pup may not be for you or your family. The Rebel: this type of pup is quick-thinking, fun-loving, and engaging. They may be playful and energetic like a bully pup, but more sensitive and less aggressive. Rebel pups will be personable, without being headstrong. So they are a good match for an active owner or a family with older children. The Independent Thinker: this type of pup is interactive and playful, but also happy sitting or playing with a toy on their own. These pups are a good match for a home that is stable and calm, possibly with older owners or no children. The Eager to Please: the eager to please pup may seem obvious. After all, who doesn’t want an eager and excited pup ? But you will need to be a direct and firm owner with eager to please pups. Lots of training and reinforcement will be needed for this personality type. But with good training and discipline, an eager to please pup can show you full cooperation. These pups are great companions for a family. The Relaxed pup: this personality type may be less intelligent than their siblings, but they will balance play, interaction and sleep well. They will also be a great fit for relaxed, easy going owners. Go for a relaxed pup if their personality fits their breed and you are looking to complement a home environment with young kids. The Timid pup: also known as the shy pup, these guys are not born with a strong sense of self. So they may creep on their bellies towards you or arch their back in total submission. You may be sucked in by the sweet, timid nature of these pups. But a timid pup will need a lot of time and patience to foster their self-esteem and get them comfortable around others. They are more suitable for single owners with lots of time for training and attention, rather than a family with children. Keep in mind the breed of the dog will often affect their personality traits and type. Discuss the pups’ personalities with the breeder to get a better sense of how their breed corresponds with their personality.

Don’t try to convince yourself you can bring a shy puppy out of his shell. If shyness if hardwired into his genes, a shy pup will grow into a shy adult. A shy adult dog may be difficult to live with and may even snap at you when he is startled or uncomfortable.

Pick up each puppy, hug and cradle him. If he reacts by squealing and wiggling, this is not a good sign. You may have behavioral issues with a pup who is squeamish or shy about being picked up. But a small struggle at first, followed by quickly settling down and looking at you is a better sign. One good trick is to pick up the puppy. If it immediately rolls over, that is a great sign. Touch the puppies on the paws, mouth, and ears to gauge their reaction. A puppy who has been handled from an early age won’t mind you touching them in these areas. Sit or kneel on the ground and call the puppy to you. Snap your fingers or pat the ground to get the puppy’s attention. If he comes to you quickly, he may have a strong attachment to people.

The pups should also have bright shiny coats and no sign of dirt or debris on their bodies or around their rear ends. There should be no pus or feces around their genital area.

To run a hearing test, clap your hands behind the pup’s head to ensure they react. Or stamp your feet behind them or drop a set of keys near them. Keep in mind it is difficult to pick a deaf puppy out of a pen that is crowded with other dogs. So try to run this test when the pup is on their own or away from the litter. To run a vision test, roll a ball within the pup’s field and vision and notice if he reacts to it by approaching it and playing with it.

It’s also important to check that the pup walks and runs normally without limping or seeming stiff or sore. This will ensure they do not have any hip or joint issues that could develop into something worse when they grow into adulthood. [14] X Research source

Don’t be too concerned if the pup notes your reaction, stops nipping for a moment, and then returns to chomping on your fingers. This is a normal reaction for a pup. Pups who respond appropriately to people and dogs when they display pain are more likely to develop into adult dogs with good control over their jaws. Good jaw control means your dog can get into play fights with another dog without causing injury. This also makes them gentler when taking food from people’s hands or when playing with people. Puppy who react to your pain will also be more obedient to you as their owner.

Talk to the vet about puppy care and maintenance.