If you’re using a plastic cutting board, lay a kitchen towel underneath it to prevent the board from sliding around as you cut.
Use a chef’s knife or serrated bread knife.
The pineapple will now sit flat on its bottom so it will be easier to peel the sides.
It doesn’t matter which end of the pineapple is up or down.
To keep the most fruit on the pineapple, remove about 1⁄4 inch (0. 64 cm) off the sides.
Your pineapple is now peeled, but you’ll see prickly eyes all over the fruit. Discard the pineapple peels or toss them in your compost.
Although you could leave the eyes in the fruit, they can be unpleasantly prickly to eat.
You can cut above the eyes or below them.
You can discard the strip of fruit with the eyes or trim the fruit between the eyes and save it.
The pineapple will begin to have a spiral shape from where you’ve removed the eyes.
If you’d like to make chunks, take a wedge and slice crosswise to make pieces that are as wide as you want.