Distractions include items like a computer, a phone, and small items that you can play with. Distractions also include things that are around you, like a friend, an annoying classmate, or a window. Physical removal is the best way to deal with a distraction. So, for example, if you know a classmate is distracting you. Try sitting somewhere else. Your teacher will understand and will probably be more than happy to help you move seats.

Things you might catch yourself thinking about include: games, what you’re doing after school, your boyfriend or girlfriend (or lack thereof!), your friends, your family. . . even fantasy stuff like books you’d like to read or places you wish you could go. You’ll have to learn to manually refocus your attention. Catch yourself and then make yourself think about the lesson again. Eventually it becomes a habit and you learn to daydream less. This means that even if you’re thinking about another aspect of the class, like the test you have coming up, you’ll want to stop and refocus on what’s happening right now. It’s important to do things like think about tests but if your mind is wandering then you’re not absorbing the information that you need to learn at the moment.

One thing you might want to practice is building your ability to focus. Test yourself by trying to do a challenging task while listening to loud, distracting music. Focus is a skill which needs to be exercised and developed, just like any other.

Try making customized lessons or assignments that are more interesting for you to learn. You can also ask your teacher for extra credit or side projects which help you learn the same lessons but in a way that works better for you. If you’re serious about learning and you’re willing to put in hard work, your teacher will probably be willing to help you come up with something.

You can try finding some aspect of the subject that is interesting to you. This can make the rest of the class more interesting because you’ll feel more like you’re building a base for the stuff that you want to learn. For example, maybe you don’t really like your history class but you do like medieval knights. You can try to imagine how all of the history that you are learning ties back to medieval knights, and you’ll find that that makes it easier to focus on what you’re learning.

Preparing yourself by getting everything that you’ll need and arranging your desk can also help you focus. This will cut down on distractions, like needing to borrow a pencil because yours is out of lead.

Ask questions. A good way to participate in class is to ask questions. When you have a question about something you don’t understand or the teacher said something and you want to know more about it, raise your hand and ask. Even just focusing enough to listen for things you might want to ask questions about can help you pay way more attention.

If you don’t know how to take notes, we’ve got you covered!

For example, if you’re struggling with math, try going to Math is Fun or Wolfram Alpha to get more math help.

For anyone under 12 years old, doctors recommend about 10 hours of sleep. For anyone older, eight or nine hours of sleep is recommended. However, some people need more sleep and some people need less. You’ll have to experiment. Keep in mind that oversleeping can also make you tired. You might be sleeping too much, if you increase your sleep and still feel tired halfway through the day.

You need to get lots of veggies, a little fruit, healthy whole grains, and plenty of lean proteins. Good options include: kale, broccoli, spinach, apples, citrus fruits, bananas, brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, fish, chicken without skin, and turkey. Avoid caffeine or at least use it carefully. Caffeine can help some people focus but for others it makes them too jittery to pay attention to anything for very long. You also risk a caffeine crash.

Drinking actual water is a good idea here. Soda, commercial juice, and milk are all not very good for you and the sugar in the soda and juice can actually make your problems focusing even worse.

Try jumping up and down or running in place. You can also jog around the building or play a game with your friends if you have the time.

One good way to practice is actually to meditate. Sit and try to empty your mind while focusing only on one simple thing, like breathing in and out from your nose.