If you don’t want to study every day, spend the week or two before the exam studying every day. [2] X Expert Source Jake AdamsAcademic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist Expert Interview. 20 May 2020. This gives you time to revisit concepts you don’t quite understand and allows you time to absorb the information. If you don’t understand something, studying beforehand gives you enough time to ask the teacher about it in class. You could make up pop quizzes to test your knowledge on some of the materials that might be on the test. [3] X Expert Source Ted Coopersmith, MBAAcademic Tutor Expert Interview. 12 May 2021.

Ask your teacher for sample tests. [5] X Expert Source Jake AdamsAcademic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist Expert Interview. 20 May 2020. Some teachers and professors will provide sample tests for students. If you are taking a standardized test, it is extremely important to take sample tests to get an idea of how the test will be structured. Look at previous homework assignments, too. Many times, teachers will use homework questions on the test, or write questions in a similar way.

Listen closely to your teacher when they lecture. They could give hints about what material will show up on the test. Make a note of this in your notes in case you forget.

Study guides also help you focus your studying so you study the correct material.

Ask your teacher for a study guide. If they won’t give you one, ask them for any tips or suggestions for studying so you can prepare. Ask your teacher which chapters the test will cover, or ask them to help you review what you should study. Ask the professor or teacher for suggestions on how to study for their test.

Eat eggs, yogurt, and granola instead of a sugary cereal or donuts. [10] X Research source

Take a few minutes to relax before the test. Take a few deep breaths, think positive thoughts, and get comfortable and relaxed. Go to the restroom before the test. This will ensure that you are not distracted during the test and focused on needing to use the restroom.

For example, some answers may have more than one answer you have to provide. If you have essay tests, you might have to choose 3 or 4 questions to answer.

Don’t pay attention to your classmates. If they are working faster or finish before you, that doesn’t mean anything. Everyone works at their own pace. Fast work doesn’t mean they know everything; they could know nothing and just put something down.

Exhaling for twice the amount of time you’re inhaling will reset your nervous system and help you feel better. [16] X Expert Source Jai FlickerAcademic Tutor Expert Interview. 20 May 2020.

Start with the easiest sections. Not only will these be completed faster, but breezing through these can help build your confidence. Answer the questions with the highest point values next. You want to make sure you give yourself enough time to finish those. [18] X Research source

Don’t be thrown by questions that include never, not, least, none, or except. These words can give you important insights into the answer, or help you eliminate wrong answers[20] X Research source . If you’re completely stumped and have to guess a ’true or false’ answer, questions that have highly opinionated words such as “always” and “never” are usually false. You may want to formulate your own answer after reading the question but before you look at the choices. This can help prevent the answers from swaying you the wrong way.

Answer the question directly by mentioning key words or the topic of the question. Give examples along with general information about the topic. Use any terms you have learned in the class. Write legibly. Your teacher can’t mark something they can’t read. If you have trouble writing neatly, try to improve your handwriting as much as you can before you take the test.

Look through the rest of the test for clues that might help you answer questions you don’t know. Ask your teacher for clarification if you don’t understand what a question is asking.

Trust your first instinct. Many times, your first instinct is the correct answer. But make sure you have made a reasoned decision for the answer, not just relied on your gut.