In the United States, companies that hire commercial drivers are required to have a drug testing program in place. [1] X Research source Certain employers might require you to be drug tested even after you are hired. Random drug-testing may be part of the terms of employment, or you may be required to undergo a test if you are involved in a workplace accident. Make sure you understand a company’s drug testing policy before accepting a job offer. Research your local laws if you are unsure whether certain activities or jobs require drug testing.

Amphetamines (methamphetamine, amphetamines, ecstasy(MDMA)) Cocaine (Powder and “crack” forms) THC (marijuana, hash, edible cannabis products) Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine) Phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust) Alcohol is occasionally tested for in addition to the above drugs.

Barbiturates (phenobarbital, butalbital, secobarbital, downers) Benzodiazepines (Valium, Librium, Xanax) Methaqualone (Quaaludes) Methadone (a drug used to treat heroin addiction) Propoxyphene (Darvon compounds) Nicotine (and nicotine by-product, cotinine)

Hallucinogens (LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, peyote) Inhalants Anabolic Steroids Hydrocodone (Oxycodone, Vicodin)

The standard detection window for the hair test is 90 days. Because hair grows about 1. 5 inches (3. 8 cm) in 90 days, hairs with a length of about 1. 5 inches (3. 8 cm) are targeted for cutting. Longer hairs will give a longer window of detection. For instance, a 6-inch long strand of hair can potentially reveal drug use from a year ago. However, 90 days is the most common testing window, so, generally, long strands of hair are cut to 1. 5 inches (3. 8 cm) before being tested. Depending on the drug and the specifics of the testing process, a hair test may or may not be able to detect whether or not use has been discontinued. For instance, opiates bind tightly to the shaft of hair, while cocaine can migrate along the hair shaft. In this case, certain tests can detect the approximate date of the opiate use based upon its position in the hair shaft, while this is impossible for cocaine. [3] X Research source If no hair is available on your head (you’re bald or have a shaved head), hair from other parts of your body can be tested. [4] X Research source Note: Because it can take up to a week for drug-affected hair to grow above the scalp, hair tests can miss very recent drug use. [5] X Research source For this reason, some employers will also require a urine test, which can detect most drug use within the last few days. Know which tests you will have to take.

If possible, concentrate these products on more the back of your head. Samples are most commonly taken from this area.

Beware false reviews and testimonials. It’s easy for unscrupulous companies to pay for positive reviews or even fabricate them entirely.

Choose a product with a money-back guarantee. It seems obvious, but it bears mentioning. Because these products can be quite expensive, you’ll want to protect your investment if you end up losing the job.

Poppy seeds. Because opiates are derived from the poppy plant, muffins or bagels with poppy seeds can give false positives. Adderall/ADHD medication. Medicines prescribed in the treatment of ADHD are usually members of the amphetamine family of drugs. Certain cold/flu medications. Over-the-counter cold drugs can contain the active ingredient pseudoephedrine, which is a stimulant used in the manufacture of methamphetamine (meth. ) Nicotine replacement therapy products, such as gums like Nicorette, patches such as Nicoderm CQ, prescription nicotine inhalers, and other nicotine-based smoking cessation aids will cause a positive result for nicotine and cotinine. Heavy exposure to second-hand smoke (‘passive smoking’) may also cause a positive nicotine/cotinine test, even if you yourself have not used nicotine or tobacco More employers are testing employees and job applicants for nicotine/cotinine, and a positive result may result in loss of employment or a refusal to hire, even if you are in a medically prescribed smoking cessation program, and even if you are not a smoker but merely live in a smoking household.