If you’re unsure which band is right for you, begin doing Pallof presses with the lightest band available. Use progressively heavier bands as you gain strength and endurance. Resistance bands are usually sold in packs containing bands of varying levels of resistance.

Stay conscious of your shoulders as you perform the Pallof press. Resist the temptation to bring your shoulders up in order to gain more power during your Pallof press. If your feet are too far apart, you’ll end up using your legs (rather than your core) to balance yourself.

Once the end of the band is centered just below your sternum, grip the band with both hands. You can either lay one hand over the other, or interlock your fingers.

Perform one or two more sets of Pallof presses if you’re not winded by the end of your first set. The precise number of Pallof presses you perform is up to you.

Add more sets after you can execute one to three sets of Pallof presses without being fatigued.

Increasing resistance will help you develop core stability.

Using a cable machine offers the added convenience of being able to change the level of resistance quite easily by adjusting the weight. Don’t add so much weight that your knees start bending or your arms and shoulders start turning toward the cable machine. [11] X Research source If you’re not sure how much weight you should be using, start off with five pounds (2. 27 kilos) and add weight in small increments until you find a level of resistance that you’re comfortable pressing. Add more weight as you become stronger. You’ll know you’re getting stronger because you will feel less fatigued after performing a Pallof press.

When extending your arms, keep your hands at the same height they started from. After you extend your arms as far as possible, hold the position for half a second, then bring your hands back to the starting position. This variation is less about building stability and more about strengthening your abs.

Next, lower your hands so that they are again extended directly out in front of you, then return to the starting position. Pause for half a second between each motion. Pallof pressing from a kneeling position will improve your balance, strength, and mobility. The overhead motion is great for working your shoulders and arms.

This variation will help you improve your balance and leg strength.

This Pallof press variation will help you not only improve your balance, but also coordination, leg and abdominal muscles.