Use a rock or heavy object to weigh down the corners of the tarp.

If you accidentally get paint or primer on the hardware, use a wet cloth to wipe off latex-based paints, or paint thinner to wipe off oil-based paints.

Always use gloves when working with TSP. If you accidentally get TSP on yourself just rinse it off with soap and water. Be sure to rinse off all of the TSP from the surface of the wood to avoid interactions with the paint.

Consider wearing a dust mask and eye protection while sanding to ensure your safety. Vacuum up any dust created from sanding, and wipe down the surface with a damp cloth.

Oil-based paints require extra ventilation, more drying time, and contain more volatile organic compounds. Latex-based paints tend to dry faster, and require less extensive cleanup.

Always work in a well ventilated room when applying primer. Open doors and windows to promote airflow, or work in an outdoor space. Some paints are mixed in with primer. Check if this is the case for the paint you’re using. If so, you can skip applying a primer before the paint. At some paint shops you can buy tinted primer to enrich the color that you paint overtop.

Wipe off any excess paint around the paint cans using a clean rag before storing. Use paint thinner to clean off brushes used for oil-based paints.