If you removed any screws, nails, or other hardware, store them in a safe place so you can return the item after it’s painted. It’s also a good idea to test that your item is in fact brass. To test if something is brass, hold a magnet to it. Brass is a non-ferrous metal, meaning it contains no iron. As such, brass is also not magnetic, so a magnet will not be attracted to a brass object.

Place a drop cloth on the ground to protect the surrounding area from paint and splatter. Place the object you want to paint on top of the drop cloth, or on a work table or bench. Before you start painting, open windows and turn on any vents in the room to help remove paint fumes. Protect yourself with a mask, gloves, goggles, and other personal safety equipment when painting. Take measures to prevent dust from blowing around in the room.

When you finished scrubbing the item, wipe it down with a damp, lint-free cloth. Paint needs a rough surface to stick to, which is why you want to scrub it with steel wool. Scrubbing brass with steel wool is not advisable unless you’re preparing it for painting.

Good degreasers for brass include liquid deglosser and solvents like butanone. [4] X Research source

Avoid latex paints for brass, as these don’t adhere as well to metal and aren’t as durable. They may be usable if you have selected a high quality primer.

Let the primer dry for about 24 hours, or according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Wear all proper safety equipment when using spray paint, including gloves, safety glasses, and a mask. Even after scrubbing with steel wool, brass still doesn’t have a great surface for painting, which is why self-etching primer is important. [6] X Research source

Let each coat dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions (usually an hour or two) before applying a second or third coat. [7] X Research source Depending on the effect you’re trying to achieve, you may need anywhere between two and five coats of paint. If your paint came in a liquid form, use a brush or roller to apply thin, even coats.

Shake the can and hold it six to eight inches (15 to 20 cm) from the surface. Spray the coat in a back and forth motion to apply an even coat on the metal. Set the piece aside to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions. These coats tend to dry quickly, sometimes in as little as 30 minutes.

Removing the piece from the position in which it was painted is also important to ensure it doesn’t stick to the drop cloth or work bench.

Depending on the type of paint you used, curing time could take anywhere from three to 30 days. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for specific curing times. [9] X Research source Giving the paint time to fully cure is especially important for fixtures, handles, utensils, and other brass pieces that will be handled often.

Wash the surface with a damp cloth and soapy water. Rinse the area with a clean, damp cloth. Towel dry the surface to remove excess water. Apply a fresh coat of paint as necessary to cover nicks and scratches.