You can also try carrying your cards and ID on the back of your phone case, and using a smaller coin purse for cash and coins.
If you put your keys in an outer side pocket, make sure it zips up so the keys don’t slip out or get stolen.
If you like to carry earbuds around with your phone, disconnect them, wind them together, and clip them up with a binder clip so they don’t get tangled.
Most schools don’t allow gum, so pack mints if you’re taking your purse to class. Go for minty flavors for the freshest feel.
You should also use a case for any eyeglasses you might use.
Crumbs can accumulate fast in a purse, so make sure to throw out your food trash as soon as you can.
If your bag isn’t big enough, don’t worry. Just make sure you have a couple fun games or good books loaded on your phone at all times.
Take the time to learn how to use the items before you start carrying them around. Some places have restrictions on safety items like pepper spray, limiting the size of the cans you can carry. Check the rules in your area before you buy!
You can also use a small prescription pill bottle to hold trash. Reuse your trash baggie as long as you can, until it gets dirty.
Grab an organizer online or from a department store. Take care of your organizer just as you would your normal purse! Keep it as neat as you can and designate sections to important items to stay organized.
You can also switch between bags when you need to. A small or medium-sized purse might be good for everyday use, but you may want a bigger tote for some special occasions, like a beach trip.