Take the collar of the shirt and start rolling it up as tight as you can until it’s completely rolled. Holding the finished roll, use the inverted section of the bottom of the shirt to secure the roll of the shirt. [1] X Research source Rolling clothing is great for keeping clothes compact, but it can result in more wrinkles in the clothing than traditional folding.

Then, use the top end of the lower sock in the bundle and wrap it around the entirety of the rolled socks for a neat package. [2] X Research source

Roll the bottom of the underwear up to the top of the waistband, then like the socks and the shirt, use the inverted section to wrap the underwear into a compact bundle. [3] X Research source

Fold both sides of the shirt towards the middle and over the underwear and socks. Roll the shirt from the collar downwards as tight as you can, then use the inside out section to wrap the entire package. [4] X Research source

You can use a wrinkle spray later if there are any wrinkles. [7] X Expert Source Caitlin JaymesCloset Organizer & Fashion Stylist Expert Interview. 16 December 2019.

For example, lay a shirt face down on a flat surface, then put the folding board on the top side of the shirt so that it covers the collar. Fold both sides and sleeves over the top of the board then fold the bottom of the shirt back onto the board. Then, put the folded product inside the clothing folder. [10] X Research source

Double check you have everything at this stage, because if you pack it all and forget something you may have to unpack everything again.

Putting all the light clothing at the bottom of the bag means that they will be able to squish down once you put heavier clothing on top of them.

By placing all these items in the middle of the bag, they are receiving the maximum amount of cushioning by the clothing at the bottom and the clothing that will be on top.

By putting these items at the top of the bag, you’ll be able to protect yourself from the elements as soon as possible.

The bag will also protect your clothing from rain, so it’s ideal if you are camping. [16] X Research source

Treat the inside of your bag like a game of Tetris. You can stack the different sized cubes in many different ways, but they’ll always protect the clothes. Packing cubes are great for unpacking and packing your bag again quickly, so they are ideal for long term travel.

If you are going on a hiking trip, you will need a backpack that is waterproof so that your clothes will stay safe inside. If you are travelling for a long period of time, you will need a backpack that has many different compartments so that you can store your clothing as efficiently as possible. Travel backpacks are usually padded as well which can offer extra protection for the contents. If you’re staying a short while at a friend’s house and need a spare change of clothes, a normal backpack combined with the packing tips discussed earlier will suffice.