Be sure to acknowledge receipt of emails. A simple “Thanks” or “Got it” is usually all it takes. It let’s the sender know that they don’t need to do anything else and can check this task off their list. If you do it, those you correspond with will, too. If you don’t have time to get to all your emails, mark as “unread” the important ones. This will remove the worry that they will get lost in the clutter by making them easy to locate and respond to.

Make Sunday night date night. Go to a movie or make it movie night. Have a dinner picnic. Watch your favorite TV show. Invite people over for dinner. Do a volunteer activity. Cook a fancy dinner. Have a game night.

Walking or jogging for at least 10 minutes Yoga Tai Chi or Qi Gong (meditative martial arts developed in China) Dance Biking

If you must, give yourself no more than 30 minutes on Sunday to write out your work to-do list and organize your calendar. Writing things down will allow you to put those tasks out of your head, stop worrying about work, and will make space for you to think about relaxing.

Take a hot bath with salts or bubbles. Read a good book. Meditate. Do yoga. Listen to calming music. Give yourself a mani-pedi. Take an evening walk. Watch the sun set.

Ask yourself what you’re really dreading. Acknowledging those feelings—without judging yourself for them—is the first step toward overcoming them. [23] X Expert Source Alexandra JanelliCertified Hypnotherapist & Anxiety and Stress Management Coach Expert Interview. 27 August 2020. If your Sunday blues come from leaving unpleasant tasks for the week ahead until Sunday night to complete, then you can help yourself feel better by changing your weekend and work routine. If your Sunday blues stem from anxiety about an upcoming presentation or assignment due on Monday, allow yourself to acknowledge your nervousness as normal, and then tell yourself that Monday will go well. Set aside prep time that weekend to make sure you are prepared. If your Sunday blues stem from your job, and none of the steps you take to address them work, then it may be time to look for new employment. Schedule a little time on Sunday’s to update your resume and search for work. Taking positive steps forward will help you cope with returning to your job the next day. [24] X Research source

If Sunday evening is approaching and you still have tasks to accomplish, don’t try to cram them in that night. Instead, make a to-do list of how you will accomplish them during the week to come. Space out fun activities. Trying to cram all your fun into the weekend can be more stressful than enjoyable. Be sure to space out fun activities over the course of the week. That way you won’t be disappointed if your weekend isn’t as fantastic as you hoped.