Binder Pouch Style: It fits into binder, usually has 2 or more compartments, and is readily available during class. However, you may forget to take it out at locker breaks (if you use separate binders for classes), and it can make binder hard to close or even break. Separate Pouch or Case: It doesn’t need to be taken out of binders, and usually has one big, visible open compartment for quick grabbing. It’s easier to carry outside of a binder and allows for more capacity. However, it can easily be left behind if it falls. Duct Tape Craft Case: This is a fun, water resistant and inexpensive design that provides a modern look and is fun to make. However, it can only hold items with a pocket clip. Choosing the correct case is crucial. If you get a case you don’t like and neglect it, you’ll be back at square one, nagging for basic supplies.
Pencils (wood or mechanical; get a hand sharpener if you prefer wood or leads and erasers for mechanical) Pens (find out what kind you like, plain ballpoint, gel, roller-ball, etc. ) Highlighters (3 or 4 different vibrant colors) Sticky Notes or Index Cards (keep a good supply and don’t waste! Index Cards are probably better to keep in the case, Stickies can be put in book pages or in lockers. ) Correction Tape (don’t get liquid because it’s messy, takes time to dry, and can spill. ) A glue-stick. Decent scissors. Ruler Calculator. Always be sure that you set your pouch right as before.